(A)   Plat approval of a minor subdivision is not required if the proposed subdivision of a parcel of land meets all of the following conditions:
      (1)   The proposed subdivision is located along an existing street or road and does not involve the opening, widening, or extension of any street or road.
      (2)   The proposed subdivision involves no more than five lots after the original tract has been completely subdivided. COMPLETELY SUBDIVIDED as used in this section means a tract which is divided into as many lots as the subdivider intends for the tract.
      (3)   The proposed subdivision is not contrary to applicable zoning or subdivision regulations.
      (4)   (a)   Note. The further division of an original tract which has been previously divided into five lots requires the replatting of the original tract.
         (b)   Note. Design Standards, §§ 154.050, 154.051 and 154.052 are to be met even though plat approval is not required when a minor subdivision meets conditions in divisions (A)(1) through (3) above.
   (B)   Any person proposing to create a subdivision which meets all of the foregoing conditions shall submit the following information to the Tax Map Department of the Richland County, Ohio Engineer's Office for approval without plat.
      (1)   The conveyance documents, all copies thereof, together with two copies of a survey drawing and legal description of the parcel or parcels involved, prepared by a registered surveyor. The survey shall meet the Minimum Standards for Boundary Surveys in the State of Ohio and include the following:
         (a)   Location of the proposed subdivision: tract, boundaries, township, section number, north arrow and a scale.
         (b)   Location of all existing streets on or abutting the parcel to be subdivided, existing buildings, individual water supply and sewage disposal system, and pertinent easements of record.
         (c)   Lot lines with width and depth dimensions in feet and the areas of all parcels being created by the division in acres.
         (d)   The location and dimensions of the original tract.
         (e)   The location, widths and other dimensions of proposed easements, parks and other open spaces.
         (f)   Names of recorded owners of the parcel to be subdivided, date of survey, and certification and seal of the registered surveyor to the effect that the survey made by him or her balances and closes and that all dimensions and geodetic details are accurate and correct.
      (2)    Affidavit of compliance provided by the approving authority. See Appendix C.
   (C)   After the Tax Map Department of the Richland County, Ohio, Engineer's Office is satisfied that the proposed subdivision is not contrary to division (A)(1) through (3) above, the same shall be approved upon presentation of an instrument of conveyance of the parcel or parcels and the same shall be stamped “Approved: No Plat Required”. In the event the approving authority is not satisfied that the proposed subdivision complies with these regulations, then the person proposing the same shall submit the above information to the Chairperson of the Village Planning Commission. The Village Planning Commission, shall, within 20 working days after submission of the information required in divisions (A) and (B), review the information and if the proposed subdivision is in accordance with these regulations, as are specifically applicable, they shall approve the same as a minor subdivision and upon presentation of an instrument of conveyance for the parcel or parcels, shall stamp thereon, “Approved by the Village Planning Commission; No Plat Required” and have it signed by its clerk, secretary, or other official as may be designated by it. In its consideration of the proposed subdivision, the Village Planning Commission may require such other information as is pertinent to its determination hereunder.
   (D)   Upon approval of the proposed subdivision, the survey shall be recorded in the office of the Richland County Recorder with the recording of the instrument of conveyance.
   (E)   Failure to file such approved survey within one year of approval shall void the approval.
(Ord. 17-96, § 300.1, passed 4-15-1996)
   For examples and clarification, see Appendix B, at the end of this chapter