General Provisions
36.01 Membership in certain groups; city memberships
36.02 Document copying fees
36.03 Credit card policy
36.04 Acceptance of debit and credit cards for payment of city goods and services
Handicapped Persons
36.15 Adoption of federal regulations; prevention of discrimination
36.16 Provision of auxiliary aids
36.17 Employment policies
36.18 Evaluation of city's progress; findings; implementation of remedial action
36.19 Grievance procedures
Blanket Bond
36.25 Authorization
36.26 Amount
36.27 Approval
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
36.40 Notice of adoption
36.41 Standards and Guidelines adopted
36.42 Transition Plan adopted
36.43 Grievance procedure adopted
Emergency Management
36.50 Marion County Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan adopted