Portable signs shall be allowed only upon the issuance of a portable sign permit, which shall be subject to the following requirements.
   (A)   Portable sign permits are required for portable signs existing at the time of adoption of this section, and any future portable signs.
   (B)   Portable signs are those which meet the definition in § 150.20.
   (C)   Portable signs shall not stand more than 40 inches off the ground or sidewalk, shall not have a width greater than 24 inches, shall have wood or simulated wood grain frame, and shall be secured or weighted to prevent accidental falling onto or into public walkways.
   (D)   Portable signs shall not have illumination or electrical parts, nor shall they have other attachments to them such as balloons, flags, banners, or other similar attachments.
   (E)   Portable signs shall be placed on the building side of a public sidewalk and allow a minimum of six feet between the sign and the curb, and shall be placed in such a way as not to be an obstacle to passing pedestrians.
   (F)   Portable signs shall only contain content related to the business in the building which it adjoins.
   (G)   No business shall have more than one portable sign, except a business located on a corner that has an entrance on each adjoining street may place a sign near the entrance fronting each street.
   (H)   Portable signs must have Borough Manager or Borough Sign Committee approval.
   (I)   Portable signs shall be displayed only during business hours and shall be moved from public view during non-business hours.
(Ord. 2014-01, passed 10-6-2014)