No signs shall be allowed in the public right-of-way, except for the following.
(A) Permanent signs. Permanent signs, including:
(1) Public signs erected by or on behalf of a governmental body to post legal notices, identify public property, convey public information, and direct or regulate pedestrian or vehicular traffic;
(2) Informational signs of a public utility regarding its poles, lines, pipes, or facilities; and
(3) Awning, projecting, and suspended signs projecting over a public right-of-way in conformity with the conditions of § 150.58.
(B) Temporary freestanding signs. Signs for special events, only as specifically approved by Borough Council.
(C) Emergency signs. Emergency warning signs erected by a governmental agency, a public utility company, or a contractor doing authorized or permitted work within a public right-of-way.
(D) Flags.
(1) However, any flag attached to the side of a building or structure and overhanging any public sidewalk or walkway shall be secured in a holder with the bottom of said flag situated at least six and one-half feet above the ground/sidewalk surface and positioned so as to not obstruct the view of any vehicle operator.
(2) However, any flag attached to the side of a building or structure and overhanging a roadway shall be secured in a holder with the bottom of said flag and/or holder situated at least 14 feet above the roadway surface.
(E) Other signs forfeited. Any sign installed or placed on public property, except in conformance with the requirements of this section, shall be forfeited to the public and subject to confiscation. In addition to other remedies hereunder, the borough shall have the right to recover from the owner or person placing such a sign the full costs of removal and disposal of such sign.
(F) Portable signs.
(Ord. 04-2004, passed 12-6-2004; Ord. 2014-01, passed 10-6-2014)