(a) Area Regulations. The ground area occupied by buildings shall not exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the total area of the lot. Provided, however, that the maximum ground area covered by buildings may be increased to thirty percent (30%) of the total site area with the approval of Commission and the consent of Council in instances where structured parking is provided within two hundred feet (200) of the principal use. Not less than twenty-five percent (25%) of the total lot area shall be developed as planted areas.
(b) Yard Regulations.
(1) Front. The front setback shall not be less than seventy-five feet (75') in depth as measured from the street right-of-way line and shall be used only for access drives and landscaping.
(2) Side and Rear. Each lot shall have side and rear yards each of which shall be not less than fifty feet (50'). Any side or rear yard which abuts a residential District shall be a minimum of eighty feet (80'). No buildings, drives or parking areas shall be located within the required side or rear yards.
(c) Height Regulations. Height of buildings shall not exceed two (2) stories or forty feet (40') exclusive of towers, steeples, cornices, or similar features as approved by the Commission with the concurrence of Council.
(Ord. 2018-94. Passed 10-21-19.)