(a) There shall be no parking or storage of any motor vehicle in a side or rear yard or in front of any building setback line except upon an approved driveway or apron. No commercial vehicle shall be parked or stored on an unenclosed portion of a residentially zoned property except as specifically authorized in Section 452.14 of the Traffic Code.
(b) No commercial materials or equipment shall be stored on the exterior area of any residentially zoned property.
(c) The following building features may extend not more than twenty-four inches (24") into any front, side, or rear yard setback:
(1) Cornices, canopies, eaves, overhangs and similar features;
(2) Chimneys;
(3) Bow windows, bay windows, and similar features.
(d) Steps from required exit doors may extend not more than three feet (3') into any required front, side, or rear yard setback.
(e) Accessibility ramps for disabled persons which meet Americans with Disabilities Act guidelines may extend into required front, side or rear yard setbacks subject to a determination by the Building Commissioner that the design of such facilities is reasonable and constitutes the least possible intrusion into the required setback. Such structures shall be considered temporary and any permit issued by the Building Commissioner shall contain a written agreement by the applicant to remove same upon termination of the accessibility need.
(Ord. 2018-94. Passed 10-21-19.)
Each dwelling shall have a maximum height of thirty-five feet (35').
(Ord. 2018-94. Passed 10-21-19.)
In lieu of compliance with the standard provisions of Sections 1113.03 through 1113.08 hereof, property owners in a Class U-1 Single-Family House District may choose to design and develop a group of single-family detached dwellings as a Cluster Development in conformance with the provisions of Chapter 1114. Where duly approved by the Commission pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 1114, the Cluster Development plan and standards shall apply and take precedence over the provisions of Sections 1113.01 through 1113.08.
(Ord. 2018-94. Passed 10-21-19.)