No Apartment or Multi-Family Dwelling use in the City shall be converted into a condominium by the sale of individual apartment suites to owners under various applicable condominium laws until and unless the owner has complied with the following regulations, and no certificate of occupancy shall be given to any purchaser of a condominium unit until the apartment house owner converting to condominiums has fully complied herewith.
   (a)    The owner shall notify the Commission and each Tenant of the owner's intention to convert to condominium units and shall appear before the Commission. Commission shall inquire whether a violation of any of the provisions of this Code exists upon the premises, whether a variance has been granted for the premises, and whether the Building Code, the Fire Prevention Code and other applicable laws are being complied with. The Commission shall also review any proposed amendment to the Site Development Plan.
   (b)    Any variance for which an application for condominium conversion has been filed, which has been granted to an Apartment  or Multi-Family Dwelling use, referred to in this chapter, by Council upon the recommendation of the Commission, is hereby declared void and not transferable to the condominium buyers, unless the Commission, after study of the proposed usage, again recommends the same to Council and Council agrees to further approve the variance or any modification thereof for the proposed condominium conversion use.
   (c)    Upon receipt of reports from the Building Commissioner, the Chief of the Fire and Rescue Department, the Engineer and other department heads, with such additional information as the Commission may require, the Commission may approve the condominium conversion upon finding that all applicable City and State laws, not inconsistent herewith, have been complied with, and that the provisions of this Chapter have been fully complied with.
   (d)    The notice to the City provided for in subsection (a) hereof shall be by written application together with a deposit of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per suite to reimburse the City for its cost incurred in the review of the application. An additional deposit may be required by the Commission.
      (Ord. 2018-94.  Passed 10-21-19.)