1101.01 Interpretation; general definitions.
1101.02 Accessory use or building.
1101.03 Apartment.
1101.04 Areas (building coverage, dwelling unit, floor, lot).
1101.05 Basement.
1101.06 Buffer area.
1101.07 Building.
1101.08 Building height.
1101.09 Building line (set-back line).
1101.10 Building permit.
1101.105 Business services.
1101.11 Church; synagogue; temple.
1101.12 Conditional use permit.
1101.13 Condominium conversion.
1101.14 Condominium property.
1101.15 Density.
1101.16 Site development plan.
1101.17 Dished satellite antenna.
1101.18 Dwelling, multi-family.
1101.19 Dwelling unit.
1101.20 Dwelling unit, single-family detached.
1101.21 Dwelling unit, single-family attached.
1101.22 Family.
1101.221 Family home.
1101.24 Garage.
1101.25 Gasoline service station.
1101.26 Grade.
1101.275 Licensed health care facility.
1101.277 Light manufacturing, fabrication and assembly.
1101.28 Loading space.
1101.29 Lot.
1101.30 Main use or building.
1101.305 Professional medical office.
1101.31 Nonconforming.
1101.32 Occupancy permit.
1101.33 Open space.
1101.34 Parking.
1101.345 Personal services.
1101.35 Restaurant.
1101.355 Right-of-way.
1101.36 Set-back line.
1101.38 Story.
1101.39 Street.
1101.395 Subdivision.
1101.40 Use.
1101.401 Wireless telecommunications antenna.
1101.403 Wireless telecommunications facility.
1101.41 Variance.
1101.42 Yard.
1101.43 Zone Map.
Definition of area and height regulations - see P. & Z. 1119.02
Fences, landscaping and driveways definitions - see P. & Z. 1146.01
Adult day care centers definitions - see P. & Z. 1155.03(a)
Illicit discharge and illegal connection control definitions - see
P. & Z. 1173.03
Storm water management definitions - see P. & Z. 1177.02
As used in this Zoning Code:
(a) The word "shall" shall be interpreted as mandatory and shall be complied with unless waived by the appropriate commission, board or authority having jurisdiction; "may" shall be interpreted as having permission or being allowed to carry out a provision; "should" shall be interpreted as expressing that the application of a criterion or standard is desired and essential unless commensurate criteria or standards are achieved.
(b) All words used in the singular shall include the plural and all words used in the present tense shall include the future tense, unless the context clearly indicates the contrary.
(c) The phrase "used for" shall include "arranged for", "designed for", "intended for", "maintained for", or "occupied for".
(d) The term "such as" shall be construed as introducing a typical or illustrative enumeration of uses. A colon used to introduce an enumeration shall be construed as being the complete enumeration of uses and not illustrative.
(e) "Regulation" means a rule, restriction or other mandatory provision intended to control, require, or prohibit an act and includes "requirement".
(f) "Build" means establish, construct, erect, assemble, reconstruct, enlarge, alter, or develop.
(g) "City" means the City of Beachwood, Ohio.
(h) "Code" means the Zoning Code of the City, unless otherwise designated.
(i) "Commission" means the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City.
(j) "Council" means Council of the City.
(k) "Developer" means a person or firm commencing proceedings under this Code to effect a subdivision or development of land for himself or herself or for another.
(l) "District" means a section of the City for which uniform zoning regulations, as provided herein, govern the use of land, structures, and premises, the permitted height, and area of structures and the area or open spaces about structures.
(m) "Engineer" means the Engineer of the City.
(n) "Lot" means a parcel of land, the perimeter of which has been approved by Council and recorded at the office of the County Recorder.
(o) "Person" means an individual, firm, association, corporation, trust or other legal entity.
(Ord. 2018-94. Passed 10-21-19.)
"Accessory Use" or "Accessory Building" means a permitted subordinate use or building which is located on the same lot with and incident to the main use or main building and which is subordinate in area, extent, and purpose to the main use or building served.
(Ord. 2018-94. Passed 10-21-19.)
1101.03 APARTMENT.
"Apartment" means a suite of rooms in a Multi-Family Dwelling (hereinafter defined) which is occupied as a residence and which is arranged to share either common walls, floor, land, or hallways with other such residences.
(Ord. 2018-94. Passed 10-21-19.)