Site Development Plans
1108.01   Submission of site development plans.
1108.02   Contents of preliminary site development plans.
1108.03   Contents of final site development plans.
1108.04   Approval of site development plans.
1108.05   Time limitation on site development plan approval.
1108.06   Occupancy.
1108.07   Compliance required.
1108.08   Utility plan; location of utilities and transformers.
1108.09   Utilities in subdivisions of more than five sublots.
1108.10   Above ground telephone cubicles.
   Preliminary and final Site Development Plans are required and shall be prepared for all proposed developments. Preliminary and final Site Development Plans shall be prepared by persons professionally qualified to do such work and shall be submitted to the Commission.  Applicants shall submit both hard copy and digital versions of proposed plans.  Plan submission shall be accompanied by a plan review fee and deposit as established by Council.
(Ord. 2018-94.  Passed 10-21-19.)
   (a)   Preliminary Site Development Plans shall be prepared at an appropriate scale and shall include the following:
      (1)    Property Description. A boundary description based on deed records showing the land owned and proposed for development and topographic contours at an interval acceptable to the Engineer.
      (2)   Buildings. The locations, size, heights and proposed use of all main and accessory buildings and their general design.
      (3)    Setbacks. All required setbacks and yard areas.
      (4)    Traffic. The proposed system of circulation of vehicular and pedestrian traffic, including details for connections to existing streets; types and widths of all pavements; estimates of traffic volume; and plans for control of traffic in and around the development.
      (5)    Utilities. A schematic plan for all utility installations.
      (6)    Parking Facilities. The layout and number of parking spaces, drive aisles, design features, and type of pavement.
      (7)    Drainage. Conceptual plans for grading, drainage and storm water management, including identification of the intended outlet.
      (8)    Landscaping. Conceptual plans showing the areas to be landscaped, the locations and dimensions of buffer areas, and proposed parking lot planter strips and/or islands. Plans shall include information regarding the general landscape treatment and, the nature of buffer and/ or screening treatments.
      (9)    Lighting. A schematic site lighting plan.
      (10)    Miscellaneous. The location and nature of refuse facilities, recreation areas, fencing, retaining walls, and similar site features.
      (11)   Phasing. Anticipated development phasing.
      (12)   Natural Features. The location of natural features such as water courses, wetlands, and flood hazard areas.
         (Ord. 2018-94.  Passed 10-21-19.)
   (a)   Final Site Development Plans shall be prepared at an appropriate scale and shall include the following:
      (1)    Survey. A boundary and topographic survey, showing the land owned and proposed for development and contours at an interval acceptable to the Engineer.
      (2)    Buildings. The locations, size, heights and proposed use of all main and accessory buildings and their general design.
      (3)    Setbacks. All required setbacks and yard areas.
      (4)    Traffic. The proposed system of circulation of vehicular and pedestrian traffic, including details for connections to existing streets; types and widths of all pavements; estimates of traffic volume and plans for control of traffic in and around the development.
      (5)    Utilities. The final improvement plans for all utility installations, with pipe sizes and grades, invert elevations, structure locations, and proposed easements.
      (6)    Parking Facilities. The layout and number of parking spaces, drive aisles, design features, and type of pavement.
      (7)    Drainage. Detailed final grading, drainage, storm water management, and erosion and sedimentation control measures including detention calculations, pipe sizes, inlet information, and proposed storm outlet facility.
      (8)    Landscaping. Detailed designs of landscaped yards, planting areas, buffer and screening improvements, and parking lot planter strips and/or islands, including plant lists and installation details.
      (9)    Lighting. A site lighting plan, which indicates placement, heights, and types of lighting fixtures. Such plans may include details of resulting levels of illumination as required.
      (10)   Miscellaneous. The location and nature of refuse facilities, recreation areas, fencing, retaining walls, and similar site features.
      (11)    Signs. The location, size and design of all signage to be placed on the site.
      (12)   Covenants, Restrictions, and Easements. Any proposed arrangements for common areas, perpetual maintenance, proposed restricts, and proposed easements.  (Ord. 2018-94.  Passed 10-21-19.)
   If the Commission finds the Site Development Plans are in accordance with this Code and other ordinances of the City, then the Commission may grant approval and the final Site Development Plan shall be submitted to the Architectural Board of Review for study and approval. The Commission may attach conditions to the approval of Site Development Plans as it may deem reasonable and appropriate to insure compliance with the spirit and intent of this Chapter and to protect the public health, safety and welfare. An approved Site Development Plan may be modified by the same procedure. When reviewing Site Development Plans, the Commission may seek expert advice or cause special studies to be made. The cost of securing such advice or studies shall be borne by the applicant. No building permit shall be issued by the Building Commissioner until a final Site Development Plan has been approved as provided herein.
(Ord. 2018-94.  Passed 10-21-19.)
   Failure to apply for a building permit within two (2) years from the date of preliminary or final Site Development Plan Approval shall render such Site Development Plan approval null and void and shall require submission of a new Site Development Plan prior to the commencement of any construction. Failure to begin construction of the Site Development Plan within six (6) months after the issuance of a building permit shall void the Site Development Plan as approved unless an extension of time is granted by the Commission.
(Ord. 2018-94.  Passed 10-21-19.)
   1108.06  OCCUPANCY.
   No use or occupancy shall be permitted until the Site Development Plan for which a building permit has been issued is substantially completed and until a certificate of occupancy has been obtained from the Building Commissioner.
(Ord. 2018-94.  Passed 10-21-19.)
   Subsequent to the approval of a final Site Development Plan, all development or construction on the subject site shall be in substantial compliance with the approved final Site Development Plan, and any conditions of such approval adopted by the Commission. Any departure from the approved final Site Development Plan shall be deemed to be a violation of this Code.  (Ord. 2018-94.  Passed 10-21-19.)
   (a)   In all new developments or subdivisions, the developer shall submit a utility plan to the City for its approval showing the location of all utilities. No development or subdivision plan shall be approved until the utility plan is also approved. All electric utilities shall be underground except as is hereinafter set forth.
   (b)   The Commission shall review the utility plan and make a finding approving that utility plan which will provide the benefits of service to the user and will have the least intrusion into open space. Transformers shall be located at the front or rear of a sublot, but not closer than one foot (1') from a rear yard line or three feet (3') from a sidewalk line in the front yard. Transformers shall be located on the side yard line and not closer than thirty feet (30') from a dwelling unit or accessory building.
   (c)   Transformers may be constructed on above ground pads when approved by the Commission. Transformers shall be screened on all sides by evergreen shrubs, fencing, or other approved methods to reasonably shield the view of such transformers. Evergreen shrubs shall be of a variety approved by the Public Works Director. No Occupancy Permit for a new building shall be issued unless the shrubs are installed by the developer or owner and approved by the Director, or unless a one hundred dollar ($100.00) bond for shrubs is deposited with the City should occupancy occur during the winter months.
   (d)   The owner of each building having such shrubs shall maintain and/or replace the shrubs of an approved variety and of a height and density to accomplish the purpose of screening the transformer. In the event that the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company requires access to a transformer and removes or damages the shrubs, the City will replace the shrubs. Such replacement does not relieve the owner from the duty to maintain and/or replace such shrubs if they die or are otherwise damaged.
(Ord. 2018-94.  Passed 10-21-19.)