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Beachwood Overview
Codified Ordinances of Beachwood, OH
Codified Ordinances of the City of Beachwood, Ohio
   (a)   A commercial structure or part thereof shall be maintained in good repair and shall be capable of performing the function for which such structure or part, or any feature thereof, was designed or intended to be used.
   (b)   All equipment and facilities appurtenant to a commercial structure or dwelling unit shall be maintained in good and safe working order.
(Ord. 1992-114. Passed 11-16-92.)
   1375.08  FOUNDATIONS.
   (a)   Foundation of commercial structures and their appurtenances, such as window wells, retaining walls, stair wells and other similar structures, shall be maintained structurally sound and in good repair. Foundations of structures shall be free of loose, missing or deteriorated mortar, damaged, loose or missing bricks, flaking tiles and other deteriorated foundation materials.
   (b)   All areas of foundations which evidence leaning, bowing or cracking are in violation of this Commercial Code and shall be replaced or repaired.
   (c)   Foundations of commercial structures shall be maintained in such condition as to prevent the seepage or leaking of water within the space enclosed within such foundations.
   (d)   Openings into foundations of commercial structures shall be protected against the entrance of rodents and insects. (Ord. 1992-114. Passed 11-16-92.)
   (a)   Roofs of commercial structures shall be maintained weathertight and shall be equipped with gutters and downspouts connected to a public storm sewer. However, these requirements may be waived for existing buildings in a case where the Building Commissioner finds unreasonable hardship and finds that the drainage does not cause excessive erosion or water damage or does not create a nuisance on public or private property.
   (b)    As an alternate to the requirements set forth in Section (a), one or more downspout(s) may be diverted into an approved rain barrel provided that overflow from such appurtenance is directed back into the downspout. Rain barrels shall be covered at all times and shall not cause a public or private nuisance. Rain barrels shall not be installed in the front or side yard setbacks, but are to be located only on rear yard downspouts. Rain barrels are to be positioned adjacent to the rear of the dwelling structure so as not to be visible from the public right of way. Only one rain barrel may be installed at each rear yard downspout. Rain barrel installations require the review and approval of the Building Commissioner and Staff Engineer. Plans submitted for review and approval shall include details of the type, size and location of the rain barrel, including the method of connecting the overflow back to the downspout along with a landscaping plan if necessary to screen the rain barrel from view from the public right of way.
   (c)   Chimneys of commercial structures shall be maintained structurally sound and in good repair. For purposes of this section, "structurally sound and in good repair" means that a chimney is free of deteriorated, loose or missing mortar and broken, missing or deteriorated bricks or other appropriate building materials, that the seal to the structure is weathertight and that the interior is clean and able to efficiently conduct smoke and gases to the exterior of the structure. Chimneys which have been painted shall meet requirements set forth in Section 1375.10(c).
   (d)   The following items, among others not specifically enumerated, may be maintained in good repair in accordance with all applicable codes and be inspected to determine:
      (1)    That required gutters and downspouts are maintained in good repair;
      (2)    That rain barrels are properly constructed, reconnected to the downspout and landscaped as required;
      (3)    That splash boxes and French drains are properly routed;
      (4)    That gutters are free of blockage and drain water efficiently;
      (5)   That gutters and downspouts are not damaged, deteriorated, hanging, loose or insecure;
      (6)    The proper seal of downspouts to the crocks;
      (7)    The condition of the roofing material;
      (8)    That branches and other live materials are absent from roofs;
      (9)   That flashing is not separated from the roof material, or loose or deteriorated;
      (10)    The condition of underhangs or soffits to be maintained and that such are weathertight.
      (11)    The condition of parapets; and
      (12)    That all chimney caps are secure and whole.
         (Ord. 1992-114. Passed 11-16-92; Ord. 2009-86. Passed 10-19-09.)
   (a)    All exterior parts of a commercial structure shall be maintained weathertight and so as to resist decay or deterioration from any cause. This includes exterior walls, parapet walls, chimneys and all other exterior structures, either above or below the roof line.
   (b)    Any commercial structure or secondary or appurtenant structure, the exterior surface of which is bare, deteriorated, ramshackle, tumbledown, decaying, disintegrating or in poor repair, must be repaired or razed as follows:
      (1)    All buckled, rotted, decayed or deteriorated walls, doors, windows, porches, floors, steps, ceilings, soffits, posts, sills, trim and missing members thereof must be replaced and put in good condition.
      (2)    All replacements must match and conform to the original design if not replaced completely.
      (3)    All exterior wood or exterior unfinished surfaces must be sealed and painted, the surface covered with other approved protective coating or treated to prevent rot and decay, and shall conform and match the existing paint or surface covering and the original design or replacement thereof. All exterior walls and surfaces must be properly protected against the weather where such are defective or lack weather protection, including lack of paint or surface covering, or where such have weathered due to lack of proper protective covering.
   (c)   Any commercial structure or secondary or appurtenant structure, the exterior surface of which is deteriorated, decaying or disintegrating, has weathered with dirt and grime or has been impaired through peeling or flaking of the paint or other protective coating, shall be repaired, repainted or resurfaced as follows:
      (1)    All exterior surfaces shall be replaced or repaired in good condition preparatory to repainting or coating.
      (2)    All bare exterior surfaces which are flaking or crumbling shall be replaced or sealed in a good and workmanlike manner.
      (3)    All new or repaired bare surfaces shall be painted or coated.
      (4)    All exterior surfaces which are weathered with dirt and grime or which are peeling or flaking shall be painted or covered with an approved protective coating or surface.
         (Ord. 1992-114. Passed 11-16-92.)
   (a)   Generally.  Exterior property areas of all premises shall be kept free of any debris, object, material or condition which may create a health, accident or fire hazard, which is a public nuisance or which constitutes a blighting or deteriorating influence on other surrounding buildings. Lawns, tree lawns, landscaping, trees, driveways, parking lots, curbs, fences and retaining walls shall also be maintained so as not to constitute a blighting or deteriorating effect.
   (b)   Sidewalks, Parking Lots and Driveways.  Improperly installed or maintained public sidewalks, private walks, parking lots, curbs, driveways and driveway aprons shall be determined to be in a defective condition if any of the following conditions exist:
      (1)    Any block has multiple cracks or any single crack larger than one-fourth of an inch wide;
      (2)    The edges of adjoining sections of block, or a portion thereof, differ vertically by one inch or more.
      (3)    Blocks have a transverse slope in excess of one inch per horizontal foot toward the street.
      (4)    Blocks have a reverse slope (toward the property) that impounds water to a depth of one-half of an inch or more.
      (5)    Blocks have depressions that impound water to a depth of one-half of an inch or more.
      (6)    Blocks have disintegrated or deteriorated areas.
   Every public sidewalk shall be concrete or stone slab.
   Parking lots shall be kept in safe condition, free of chuck holes, depressions, cracks and disintegrated or deteriorated areas. Damaged and/or unsecured curbing shall be repaired or replaced.
   (c)   Obscuring Vegetation; Lawns and Landscaping.
      (1)    No owner or occupant of any premises shall permit vegetation to obscure or restrict vision along a public street or at an intersection so as to create a safety hazard.
      (2)    Lawns and landscaping shall be kept from becoming overgrown and unsightly and shall be maintained so as not to constitute a blighting or deteriorating effect on the surrounding neighborhood.
   (d)    Noxious Weeds.  No owner or occupant shall cause, suffer or allow noxious weeds to grow on any premises. It shall be the duty of the owner or occupant to cut, remove or destroy all such noxious weeds.
   (e)   Junk Motor Vehicles, Automobile Repairs; Enforcement.
      (1)    A junk motor vehicle shall not be parked or permitted to remain on the premises. No automobile repairs, fueling, changing of motor oil, mechanical or body work or repair of any kind shall be made except at gasoline stations, automobile agencies and other areas with permits for fuel or oil delivery.
       (2)    Notwithstanding Section 1371.08(1) or any other section of these Codified Ordinances, no written notice of violation shall be required prior to this section being enforced by the Building Commissioner, a building inspector, a police officer or the Law Director.
         (Ord.  2020-72.  Passed 5-18-20.)
   Roofs of secondary or appurtenant structures shall be equipped with gutters and downspouts connected to a public storm sewer. Rain barrel installation(s) conforming to Section 1355.09(b) and Section 1375.09(b) may be utilized. However, if the roof area served by a specific downspout does not exceed 300 square feet, measured horizontally, and if the drainage does not, in the opinion of the Building Commissioner, cause excessive erosion or water damage or does not create a nuisance on public or private property, this requirement maybe waived.
(Ord. 1992-114. Passed 11-16-92; Ord. 2009-86. Passed 10-19-09.)
   1375.13  STREET NUMBERS.
   Apartment houses and commercial structures not regulated by Section 1313.03 shall have and maintain street address numbers assigned by the Building Commissioner. The numbers shall meet the following standards:
   (a)    Numbers shall be numerical, not script, and be a contrasting color to the building for visibility.
   (b)    Numbers shall be not less than four nor more than twelve inches in height for residences and not less than four nor more than twenty inches in height for commercial structures.
   (c)    Numbers must ordinarily be located within ten feet of the main entrance to each unit of attached single-family residences and within ten feet of the entrance to the main building of commercial structures.
   (d)    Number must be clearly visible from the main public or private street that the structure fronts on.
   (e)    The Building Commissioner is hereby authorized to permit or require a property owner to locate such numbers in an alternative location to improve visibility, and may require the size of the numbers to be increased to improve visibility.
      (Ord. 1993-129. Passed 11-21-94.)