(a) Roofs of dwelling structures shall be maintained weathertight and shall be equipped with gutters and downspouts connected to a public storm sewer. However, this requirement may be waived by the Building Commissioner.
(b) As an alternate to the requirements set forth in subsection (a), one or more downspout(s) may be diverted into an approved rain barrel provided that overflow from such appurtenance is directed back into the downspout. Rain barrels shall be covered at all times and shall not cause a public or private nuisance. Rain barrels shall not be installed in the front yard, but may be located on rear and side yard downspouts. Rear yard rain barrels, shall be positioned adjacent to the rear of the dwelling structure so as not to be visible from the public right of way. Side yard rain barrels shall only be permitted at the discretion of the Building Commissioner and subject to appropriate screening so that the barrels are not visible from the public right of way. Only one rain barrel may be installed at each rear or side yard downspout. Rain barrel installations require the review and approval of the Building Commissioner and City Engineer. Plans submitted for review and approval shall include details of the type, size and location of the rain barrel, including the method of connecting the overflow back to the downspout along with a landscaping plan if necessary to screen the rain barrel from view from the public right of way.
(c) Chimneys of dwelling structures shall be maintained structurally sound and in good repair. For purposes of this section, "structurally sound and in good repair” means that a chimney is free of deteriorated, loose or missing mortar and broken, missing or deteriorated bricks or other appropriate building materials, that the seal to the home is weathertight and that the interior is clean and able to conduct smoke and gases to the exterior of the structure.
(d) Pursuant to this section, the following items, among others not specifically enumerated, shall be inspected to determine approval:
(1) That buildings requiring gutters and downspouts have them;
(2) That rain barrels are properly constructed, reconnected to the downspout and landscaped as required;
(3) That splash boxes and french drains on secondary or appurtenant structures are properly routed;
(4) That gutters are free of blockage and drain water efficiently;
(5) That gutters and downspouts are not deteriorated, hanging, loose or insecure;
(6) The proper diameter of the downspouts;
(7) The proper width of the gutters;
(8) The proper seal of downspouts to the crocks;
(9) The condition of the roofing material;
(10) That branches and other live materials are absent from roofs;
(11) That flashing is not separated from the roof material, or loose or deteriorated;
(12) That the underhangs or soffits are tightly nailed to the beams and are in a watertight condition;
(13) The condition of parapets;
(14) That all chimney caps are secure and whole;
(15) That there are no cross-connections between storm and sanitary sewers; and
(16) That storm and sanitary sewers and connections are secure and watertight.
(Ord. 2020-72. Passed 5-18-20.)