(a) New Buildings. No building hereafter erected shall be occupied or used, in whole or in part, until a certificate of occupancy certifying that such building conforms to the provisions of this Building Code has been issued by the Building Commissioner and posted on the premises.
(b) Buildings Hereafter Altered. No building hereafter enlarged or extended, or so altered, wholly or in part, as to change its classification of occupancy, and no building hereafter for which a certificate of occupancy has not been heretofore issued, and no building heretofore not used as a dwelling house for persons, shall be occupied or used, in whole or in part, until a certificate of occupancy has been issued by the Building Commissioner, certifying that the work for which a permit was issued has been completed in accordance with the provisions of this Building Code, or that the building complies with the provisions of this Building Code and with other ordinances of the City in force and effect. However, if the occupancy or use of such building was not discontinued during the work of alteration, the occupancy or use of the building shall not continue for more than thirty days after completion of the alteration unless a new certificate has been issued.
(c) Temporary Occupancy. Upon request of the holder of a permit, or of the owner, the Building Commissioner may issue a temporary certificate of occupancy for part of a building, provided that such temporary occupancy or use would not jeopardize life or property.
(d) Issuance and Filing. A certificate of occupancy shall be issued within five days after written application therefor, if at the time of such application the building shall be entitled thereto. Copies of certificates of occupancy shall be furnished, on request to persons having a proprietary interest in the building.
(e) Existing Buildings. Nothing in this Building Code shall require the removal, alteration or abandonment of, nor prevent the continuance of the use and occupancy of a lawfully existing building, except as may be necessary for the safety of life or property. Upon written request from the owner, the Building Commissioner shall issue a certificate of occupancy for an existing building certifying, after verification by inspection, the occupancy or use of such building, provided that at the time of issuing such certificate there are no violations of law or orders of the Building Commissioner pending. (Ord. 2020-72. Passed 5-18-20.)
Every improved lot in the City shall have a sidewalk across the entire frontage of the lot, within the right of way, five feet in width, located, constructed and maintained in accordance with standards established by the City Engineer. Any street or part of a street with existing single-family residences not having sidewalks on the date of adoption of this section shall not be required to comply until the further order of Council. Before any certificate of occupancy is issued by the City Engineer for any new building, a sidewalk shall first be constructed and installed across the entire frontage of the lot. If the City Engineer determines that compliance is impossible as a result of weather conditions, then the City Engineer may require the applicant for a certificate of occupancy to deposit a cash bond with the City for the cost for constructing the said sidewalk. Such bond shall be deposited with the Finance Director, subject to his or her rules and regulations. The City Engineer shall direct the property owner to construct and install the required sidewalk at the earliest time that weather conditions permit. In the event that the property owner defaults, after thirty days written notice, the City may use the cash bond to install the sidewalk. If any balance remains, it shall be promptly returned to the owner. If the amount of the bond is insufficient, the City Engineer shall give thirty days written notice to the property owner to pay the outstanding balance, and, if unpaid, the said sum shall be referred to the Law Director for collection.
(Ord. 2020-72. Passed 5-18-20.)
One to three-family residences and attached houses in Class U-2A Zoning Districts shall have and maintain street address numbers assigned by the Building Commissioner. House numbers shall meet the following standards:
(a) Numbers shall be numerical, not script, and be a contrasting color to the building for visibility.
(b) Numbers shall not be less than three and one-half nor more than eight inches in height, shall be located on the part of the structure nearest to the public or private street that the structure fronts on and shall be adjacent to the front entrance.
(c) Numbers must be clearly visible from the public or private street that the residence fronts on, shall have no obstruction (including shrubbery or trees) and shall be located more than five feet above the ground.
(d) Homes with mailboxes on the roadway, except for group boxes, shall have numbers on both aides of the box and the box shall be located on the same lot as the home.
(e) The Building Commissioner is hereby authorized to permit or require a property owner to locate house numbers in an alternative location to improve visibility, and may require the size of the numbers to be increased to improve visibility.
(Ord. 1993-129. Passed 11-21-94.)
No occupant, operator, lessor or owner of any dwelling structure, dwelling or dwelling unit shall convey, lease, rent or otherwise change the ownership or occupancy, and no person shall commence the occupancy of such dwelling structure, dwelling or dwelling unit unless an occupancy permit therefor shall first have been obtained from the Building Commissioner, which is in effect and not cancelled.
(Ord. 1973-24. Passed 3-19-73.)
Application for an occupancy permit required by Section 1313.101 shall be made on a form prescribed by the Building Commissioner by any person having a pecuniary interest in the conveyance, lease, rental or other change in the ownership or occupancy, of a dwelling structure, dwelling or dwelling unit, including, but not limited to, an occupant, operator, owner, seller, purchaser, lessor or lessee, and further including, but not limited to, real estate brokers, lending institutions and title companies, who participate in a transaction in which an occupancy permit is required, and shall include, but not be limited to, the following information:
(a) The street address of the dwelling structure, dwelling or dwelling unit or other description sufficient to identify the portion of such premises if the entire structure is not involved.
(b) The name and address of the occupant, operator, lessor, owner, and the telephone number where such person may be reached during normal business hours.
(c) The name, address and telephone number of the prospective recipient of the conveyance, lessee or other prospective occupant and the number of prospective occupants, if such information is available.
(d) A statement as to the mode of change in ownership or occupancy and the proposed date of occupancy.
(e) A statement by the applicant as to any changes made or proposed to be made in the structure itself, of which he has knowledge.
(Ord. 1973-24. Passed 3-19-73.)