(a) All plumbing shall meet the requirements of the Ohio Plumbing Code, as adopted in Chapter 1307 of these Codified Ordinances.
(b) All plumbing shall be designed and installed to prevent contamination of the water supply system.
(c) All exterior sewers and their appurtenances, including, but not limited to, manholes, catch basins, drainage culverts, ditches, piping, draintile, and other similar devices, shall be designed, installed and maintained to meet all requirements of the Ohio Plumbing Code, being Chapters 4101:2-56 through 4101:2-69 of the Ohio Basic Building Code, and the Cuyahoga County Sanitary Engineer's Uniform Rules, Standards and Regulations for the design and construction of sewerage improvements.
(d) All plumbing fixtures and piping connected thereto in existing buildings and secondary and appurtenant structures shall be maintained in good condition to provide the necessary plumbing and sanitary facilities required.
(Ord. 1992-114. Passed 11-16-92.)