   1371.05  CONFLICT OF LAWS. 
   In the event of conflict between any of the provisions of this Commercial Code and any of the provisions of the ordinances of the City, the provisions of this Code shall prevail. 
(Ord. 1992-114. Passed 11-16-92.)
   1371.06  SEPARABILITY. 
   Sections and subsections of this Commercial Code, and the several parts and provisions thereof are hereby declared to be independent sections, subsections, parts and provisions, and the holding of any such section, subsection, part or provision to be unconstitutional, void or ineffective for any cause shall not affect nor render invalid any other such section, subsection, part or provision.  (Ord. 1992-114. Passed 11-16-92.)
   The imposition of any penalty as provided for in this Commercial Code shall not preclude the Director of Law from instituting an appropriate action or proceeding in a court of proper jurisdiction to prevent any unlawful repair or maintenance; to restrain, correct or abate a violation; to prevent the occupancy of a building, structure or premises; or to require compliance with this Commercial Code, other applicable laws, ordinances, rules or regulations, or the orders or determinations of the Building Commissioner, the Fire Inspector, the Planning and Zoning Commission, or the Architectural Board of Review.
(Ord. 1999-195.  Passed 8-7-00.)
   1371.08  DEFINITIONS.
   As used in this Commercial Code:
   (a)    "Approved" means approved by the Building Commissioner or Fire Department pursuant to this Commercial Code, State law or Federal law, where applicable, or by any board designated by law to give approval.
   (b)    "Board" means the Architectural Review Board of the City,  the State Board of Building Appeals or the State Fire Marshal.
   (c)    "Building Commissioner" means the Building Commissioner of the City, and, when used herein, shall be construed as though followed by the words "or his or her authorized assistant, agent or representative."
   (d)    "City" means the City of Beachwood, Ohio.
   (e)    "Code" or "Commercial Code" means the Commercial Structural Maintenance Code, being Title Seven of Part Thirteen of these Codified Ordinances.
   (f)    "Commercial building" means all buildings or structures except one, two and  three-family residential homes.
   (g)    "Commission" means the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City, or any board of the State regarding State laws.
   (h)    "Dwelling structure" means a building or structure used or designed or intended to be used, all or in part, for residential purposes with more than three dwelling units.
   (i)    "Dwelling unit" means a room or a group of rooms arranged, maintained or designed to be occupied by a single family for living, sleeping, cooking and eating.
   (j)    "Exterior property areas" means the yard areas connected with, by reason of ownership or right of control, or used together with, the dwelling or structure on the premises.
   (k)    "Fire Inspector" means any member of the Fire Department or its employees so designated by the Chief of the Fire Department.
   (l)    "Junk motor vehicle" means any motor vehicle that is extensively damaged and/or incapable of being operated on a public street due to disrepair or otherwise.  Such damage may include, but shall not be limited to, missing wheels, tires, motor, transmission or other mechanical parts required for the operation of such vehicle; having one or more uninflated tires which have been uninflated for at least forty-eight hours; or having two or more broken or cracked windows or any body part which has been either damaged, rusted through or partly rusted through and which covers an area of 500 square inches or more.
   (m)    "Landscaping" means grass, trees, bushes and other living, growing plants surrounding the building or structure, including the tree lawns fronting on a public street adjoining each lot or part thereof.
   (n)    "Occupant" means a person living, sleeping, cooking or eating in, or having actual possession of, a dwelling unit or a room in a multiple-family building, or an owner, lessee or tenant in a commercial building.
   (o)    "Owner" means an owner of the premises or an owner of a condominium unit in or a part of the premises, including the holder of title thereto subject to contract of purchase, a vendee in possession, a mortgagee or receiver in possession, a lessee or joint lessee of the whole thereof, an heir inheriting an interest in the premises, or an agent or any other person, firm, corporation or fiduciary with responsibility for the premises, or any of them.
   (p)    "Person" means any individual, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company, organization or association of persons of any kind.
   (q)    "Plat" means a lot, parcel or plot of land, including buildings, structures, landscaping and trees thereon.
   (r)    "Public areas" means those interior parts or areas of a building or structure used by the general public or tenants of the building, where possession and control remain with the owner, such as, but not limited to, exit stairways, exit access corridors, passageways, aisles, toilet rooms, public garages, etc.
   (s)    "Residential district" means land zoned Class U-1 (A-1 and A-2), Class U-2, Class U-2A, Class U-3, Class U-3A, and Class U-3B.
   (t)    "Secondary or appurtenant structure" means a structure, the use of which is incidental or accessory to that of the main building, and which is attached to the main building or located on the same premises therewith.
   (u)    "Serious violation" means a violation which the Building Commissioner determines, in his or her sole judgment, to represent a clear and present danger to persons and/or property.
   (v)    "Supply" and "supplied" mean paid for, furnished by, provided by, or under the control of, the owner or operator.
      (Ord. 1999-195.  Passed 8-7-00.)