   (a)    The registrant must be at least twenty-one years old and a United States citizen or  naturalized citizen. The registrant shall fully complete a registration form to be  provided by the Chief of Police.
   (b)    A complete record check, including fingerprints, photographs and other information, shall be obtained on each registrant to reasonably determine compliance with this
   (c)    Each registrant who carries a firearm must have completed the firearm training and/or qualifications required by Ohio R.C. 4749.10 (A)(1), (A)(3) and (A)(4), and must register the firearm with the Police Department.
   (d)    Each registrant person must submit evidence of comprehensive general liability  insurance coverage of at least one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) for each person and three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000) per occurrence for bodily injury, and one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000)  for property damage by an insurance  company licensed to do business in Ohio.
   (e)    Each registrant shall be issued an I.D. card by the City showing the registrant's  photograph and thumbprint, which shall be carried whenever he or she is working in  the City.
   (f)    Each permit shall be valid for one year from the date of issuance. All  requirements of this chapter, including but not limited to record checks and permit  fees shall be applicable to applicants for renewal of permits.
   (g)    The registrant must be able to read, write and speak the English language fluently,
have no conviction within the last twenty years for a felony or a conviction  within the last  ten years for a first or second degree misdemeanor under State law, or a comparable misdemeanor under the laws of another jurisdiction, and not be a current user of illegal drugs or otherwise be found to be a person not physically, mentally, emotionally or morally suited to be trusted with the protection of persons  and property in the City, as determined by the Chief of Police.
   (h)    While on duty, registrants shall at all times cooperate with and take orders from City police officers in the furtherance of official police duties.
   (i)    Registrants shall have only such arrest authority as provided by applicable provisions of the Ohio Revised Code, and shall immediately report the violation of any law, whether Federal, State or City, to the Police Department and cooperate in its enforcement and prosecution.
(Ord. 1997-21. Passed 1-27-97.)
   No person shall employ another or contract with another to work as a private police person or private security person as defined above without notifying the Chief of Police, and verifying the person either has complied with this chapter, or is otherwise registered or licensed by the State of Ohio, as a Class A, B, or C license holder under Ohio R.C. Chapter 4749 as evidenced by a State registration card.
(Ord. 1997-21. Passed 1-27-97.)
   Any violation of any of the provisions of this chapter or conviction of a felony or first or second degree misdemeanor by a permittee shall be reason to revoke or suspend any permit issued under authority of this chapter.
(Ord. 1997-21. Passed 1-27-97.)
   Recognizing that the City intends to be in compliance with all applicable Federal and/or State laws and to reasonably regulate registrants without depriving any person of any right he or she may claim, and that any person may have reasonable cause to take exception to a ruling of the Chief of Police, the following appeal procedure is established:
    (a)    Any person who is refused a permit or who has any other objection to a ruling of the Police Chief may direct a written notice of appeal to the Safety Director of the City within ten days of the refusal or other ruling, with the grounds for appeal. The Safety Director shall hear the appeal as soon as is reasonably practical and may, after hearing the evidence received, affirm, modify or reverse the decision of the Chief of Police. The decision of the Safety Director shall be a final appealable decision.
   (b)    Any person aggrieved by an order of the Safety Director under subsection (a) hereof may appeal as provided in Ohio R. C. Chapter 2506 within thirty days of the receipt of such written order.
      (Ord. 1997-21. Passed 1-27-97.)
   731.99  PENALTY.
   (EDITOR'S NOTE: See Section 101.99 of the Codified Ordinances for general Code penalty if no specific penalty is provided.)