Emergency Alarm Systems
EDITOR'S NOTE: This chapter, previously a codification of Ordinance 1974-65, passed November 17, 1975, and Ordinance 1981-71, passed May 4, 1981, was repealed and re-enacted in its entirety by Ordinance 1985-103, passed September 9, 1985.
729.01   Purpose and scope.
729.02   Definitions.
729.03   Automatic dialing devices.
729.04   Alarm Vendor.
729.05   Alarms connected directly to police station or fire station.
729.06   Audible alarms.
729.07   False alarms.
729.08   Equipment standards; maintenance; instructions; inspections; revocation
   of permits.
729.09   Security surveillance signs.
729.10   Nonliability of City.
729.11   Rules and regulations.
729.12   Fees.
729.99   Penalty.
         False alarms - see GEN. OFF. 648.08
         Starting activity without permit - see ADM. 143.05
         Motor vehicle theft alarms - see TRAF. 438.20
         Fire alarm systems - see FIRE PREV. 1503.11
   (a)    The purpose of this chapter is to protect persons and property in the City, to prevent misuse of emergency services, and to ensure that the quality of equipment on direct tie-in lines to the City comports to standards as dictated by the Police Department.
   (b)    This chapter governs alarm systems, requires permits, establishes fees, provides penalties for civil and criminal punishment of violations and establishes a system of administration. (Ord.  1999-143.  Passed 9-27-99.)
   729.02  DEFINITIONS.
   As used in this chapter:
   (a)   "Alarm agent" means any person who is employed by an alarm business, either directly or indirectly, whose duties include any of the following: selling, maintaining, leasing, servicing, repairing, altering, replacing, moving or installing any alarm system in or on any structure in the City.
   (b)   "Alarm business" means any full-time or part-time business by a person of selling, leasing, maintaining, servicing, repairing, altering, replacing, moving or installing any alarm system, or causing the same to be sold, leased, maintained, serviced, repaired, altered, replaced, moved or installed, in or on any building, place or premises.
   (c)   "Alarm malfunction" means an activated alarm system, and a response by the Police Department and/or the Fire Department, resulting from a windstorm or other severe weather condition, power outage or any electrical or mechanical failure not resulting from improperly installed equipment.
   (d)   "Alarm system" means any assembly of equipment, mechanical or electrical, arranged to signal the occurrence of an unauthorized entry or other activity requiring urgent attention and to which the Police Department and/or the Fire Department is expected to respond, either as an automatic dialing device directly connected to the City Police Department and/or Fire Department or as an audible alarm outside the premises.
   (e)   "Audible alarm" means an alarm system that, when actuated, generates an audible sound outside the premises.
   (f)   "City" means the City of Beachwood. All official titles shall mean officials of the City unless otherwise stated.
   (g)   "False alarm" means an alarm signal necessitating a response by the Police Department and/or Fire Department where an emergency situation does not exist. The definition excludes alarms caused by the user acting under a sincere belief that a need exists to call the Police Department or the Fire Department.
   (h)   "Person" means any individual, partnership, corporation or other entity.
   (i)   "Alarm Vendor" means any company providing hardware or software to the City for the purpose of receiving and processing alarms.
      (Ord.  1999-143.  Passed 9-27-99.)
   (a)   No person shall use or cause to be used any electrical or mechanical device or attachment to any telephone in any burglary, fire or other emergency alarm system which automatically selects or dials a telephone, or any telephone trunk line used by or assigned to the City for telephone service, which system then transmits over such line a recording of a report of an alarm concerning a burglary, fire or other police emergency.
   (b)   Any automatic dialing service connected to the City telephone or telephone trunk line shall be disconnected not later than January 1, 1986.
   (c)   The Police Department Dispatch Center shall not dispatch an emergency police or fire response to any automatic dialing service.
(Ord.  1999-143.  Passed 9-27-99.)
   729.04  ALARM VENDOR.
   (a)   Upon approval by the Safety Director, the City may enter into an agreement with a private entity as the exclusive Alarm Vendor for the City to provide alarm processing hardware and software capable of receiving and processing of alarms directly received by the Police Department Emergency Dispatch Center.
   (b)   The Alarm Vendor shall provide to the Police Department a schedule of all costs involved to its customers, including but not limited to installation and annual fees.
   (c)   The Alarm Vendor shall supply to the Police Department a copy of all Beachwood residential and commercial contracts entered into during the period the Vendor serves as the exclusive vendor of the alarm receiving and processing equipment for the City.
   (d)   The Alarm Vendor shall assume all liability for the equipment installed by the Vendor at the Beachwood Police Department site, shall maintain all installed software and hardware, and may not remove any equipment without prior approval of the Safety Director.
(Ord.  1999-143.  Passed 9-27-99.)