Recognizing that the City intends to be in compliance with all applicable Federal and/or State laws and to reasonably regulate registrants without depriving any person of any right he or she may claim, and that any person may have reasonable cause to take exception to a ruling of the Chief of Police, the following appeal procedure is established:
    (a)    Any person who is refused a permit or who has any other objection to a ruling of the Police Chief may direct a written notice of appeal to the Safety Director of the City within ten days of the refusal or other ruling, with the grounds for appeal. The Safety Director shall hear the appeal as soon as is reasonably practical and may, after hearing the evidence received, affirm, modify or reverse the decision of the Chief of Police. The decision of the Safety Director shall be a final appealable decision.
   (b)    Any person aggrieved by an order of the Safety Director under subsection (a) hereof may appeal as provided in Ohio R. C. Chapter 2506 within thirty days of the receipt of such written order.
      (Ord. 1997-21. Passed 1-27-97.)