(a)    Any person desiring to dump clean fill material, which means earth from another location, shall obtain a written permit from the Public Works Director, upon filing proof of written authorization from the owner of the property where the clean fill is to be dumped, on the condition that the fill surface will be graded to provide adequate drainage as required on the permit. This section shall not apply to a landscaper authorized by the owner of an existing home for landscaping improvements, requiring the dumping of less than five cubic yards of clean fill.
   (b)    The dumping of rubbish, refuse, garbage, building materials, parts of trees and other material or debris on or into any property in the City is prohibited. Gravel and other construction material may be used during construction in accordance with a building permit and plans on file in the office of the Inspector of Buildings.
(Ord. 1981-36. Passed 3-16-81.)