   No person, firm or corporation shall cause to be piled, stored or left on any portion of any public street or highway, any building material or other material or equipment of any kind, or, being the owner or occupant of any property fronting upon a public street or highway, permit the placing or storage of any such material in front of such property without first obtaining from the Inspector of Buildings a permit to do so, which permit shall specify such reasonable provisions for the protection of the safety and welfare of the City, and the inhabitants thereof, as the Inspector of Buildings may reasonably require, including an undertaking to save the City harmless from all claims for damages to persons or property by reason of such storage.
(1964 Code §50.06)
   No person shall throw, place, deposit, drop, push or leave upon any public street, highway, pavement, sidewalk or public ground any dirt, mud, gravel, glass, nails, debris, grass clippings, lumber or snow or any thing or article of any nature likely to or tending to constitute or create a nuisance or hazard to any person or vehicle traveling upon or using such street, highway, pavement, sidewalk or public ground or which might damage, deface or mar or obscure such street, highway, pavement, sidewalk or public ground.
(1964 Code §50.07)
   (a)    Any person desiring to dump clean fill material, which means earth from another location, shall obtain a written permit from the Public Works Director, upon filing proof of written authorization from the owner of the property where the clean fill is to be dumped, on the condition that the fill surface will be graded to provide adequate drainage as required on the permit. This section shall not apply to a landscaper authorized by the owner of an existing home for landscaping improvements, requiring the dumping of less than five cubic yards of clean fill.
   (b)    The dumping of rubbish, refuse, garbage, building materials, parts of trees and other material or debris on or into any property in the City is prohibited. Gravel and other construction material may be used during construction in accordance with a building permit and plans on file in the office of the Inspector of Buildings.
(Ord. 1981-36. Passed 3-16-81.)
   660.16  WEEDS.
   No owner, occupant or person having the charge or management of any lot or parcel of land situated within the City, whether the same is improved or unimproved, vacant or occupied, shall fail, within five days of service of written notice to do so served upon him in conformity with Ohio R.C. 731.52, to cut or destroy, or cause to be cut or destroyed, any noxious or poisonous weeds or vines or any wild or uncontrolled growth upon any such lot or parcel of land and to prevent the same from blooming or going to seed or exceeding a height of twelve inches. (1964 Code 153. 01)