It is hereby determined that it is the duty of every owner, occupant or person in control of any lot or land within the City along the front or side of which any sidewalk is located upon a public street or highway and designed for use by the public, to keep such sidewalk free from dirt, mud, snow, ice, rubbish, obstructions of any kind or other nuisance. No owner, occupant or person in control of any such lot or land on which any such condition exists shall fail or refuse, within five days after being notified thereof by an officer or employee of the City, to remove any such dirt, mud, rubbish, obstruction of any kind or other nuisance, or fail or refuse, within twenty-four hours after being notified thereof by such officer or employee, to remove snow or ice. Each day's continuation of such condition after notice shall be deemed to be and constitute a separate offense. After notice as herein provided and refusal or neglect of the owner, occupant or person in control of any such lot or land to remove such dirt, mud, snow, ice, rubbish, obstruction of any kind or other nuisance within the time herein provided, notwithstanding the penalty provided in Section 698.02, the City may cause such dirt, mud, snow, rubbish, obstruction of any kind or other nuisance to be removed at the expense of the owner of such property, and should the cost thereof not be paid to the City within fifteen days from completion and billing for such work, then the cost may be certified by the City to the County Auditor for collection upon the tax duplicate as street assessments are collected.
(Ord. 1997-152. Passed 8-18-97.)