   (a)    No person, knowing or having reasonable cause to believe that he is suffering from a dangerous, contagious disease, shall knowingly fail to take reasonable measures to prevent exposing himself to other persons, except when seeking medical aid.
   (b)    No person, having charge or care of a person whom he knows or has reasonable cause to believe is suffering from a dangerous, contagious disease, shall recklessly fail to take reasonable measures to protect others from exposure to the contagion, and to inform health authorities of the existence of the contagion.
   (c)    No person, having charge of a public conveyance or place of public accommodation, amusement, resort or trade, and knowing or having reasonable cause to believe that persons using such conveyance or place have been or are being exposed to a dangerous, contagious disease, shall negligently fail to take reasonable measures to protect the public from exposure to the contagion, and to inform health authorities of the existence of the contagion.
(ORC 3701.81)
   660.03  LITTERING.
   No person shall, without lawful authority, place or dispose of in any manner, upon any public property or upon the premises of another, any paper, trash, garbage, waste, rubbish, refuse, junk or any substance or material which is or may become noxious, offensive, injurious or dangerous to the public health, comfort or safety.
(Ord. 1969-54. Passed 7-7-69.)
   No person shall erect, continue, use or maintain a dwelling, building, structure or place for a residence or for the exercise of a trade, employment or business, or for the keeping or feeding of an animal, which dwelling, building, structure or place, or which activity, by occasioning noxious exhalations or noisome or offensive smells, becomes injurious to the health, comfort or property of individuals or of the public. No person shall cause or allow offal, filth or noisome substances to be collected or remain in any place to the damage or prejudice of others or of the public. No person shall unlawfully obstruct or impede the passage of a navigable river, harbor or collection of water, or corrupt or render unwholesome or impure, a watercourse, stream or water, or unlawfully divert such watercourse from its natural course or state to the injury or prejudice of others. (ORC 3767.13)
   It is hereby determined that it is the duty of every owner, occupant or person in control of any lot or land within the City along the front or side of which any sidewalk is located upon a public street or highway and designed for use by the public, to keep such sidewalk free from dirt, mud, snow, ice, rubbish, obstructions of any kind or other nuisance.  No owner, occupant or person in control of any such lot or land on which any such condition exists shall fail or refuse, within five days after being notified thereof by an officer or employee of the City, to remove any such dirt, mud, rubbish, obstruction of any kind or other nuisance, or fail or refuse, within twenty-four hours after being notified thereof by such officer or employee, to remove snow or ice.  Each day's continuation of such condition after notice shall be deemed to be and constitute a separate offense.  After notice as herein provided and refusal or neglect of the owner, occupant or person in control of any such lot or land to remove such dirt, mud, snow, ice, rubbish, obstruction of any kind or other nuisance within the time herein provided, notwithstanding the penalty provided in Section 698.02, the City may cause such dirt, mud, snow, rubbish, obstruction of any kind or other nuisance to be removed at the expense of the owner of such property, and should the cost thereof not be paid to the City within fifteen days from completion and billing for such work, then the cost may be certified by the City to the County Auditor for collection upon the tax duplicate as street assessments are collected.
(Ord. 1997-152.  Passed 8-18-97.)
   No person shall abandon, discard, or knowingly permit to remain on premises under his control, in a place accessible to children, any abandoned or discarded icebox, refrigerator or other airtight or semiairtight container which has a capacity of one and one-half cubic feet or more and an opening of fifty square inches or more and which has a door or lid equipped with a hinge, latch or other fastening device capable of securing such door or lid, without rendering such equipment harmless to human life by removing such hinges, latches or other hardware which may cause a person to be confined therein. This section shall not apply to an icebox, refrigerator or other airtight or semiairtight container located in that part of a building occupied by a dealer, warehouseman or repairman. (ORC 3767.29; 1964 Code §53.05)
   A junk motor vehicle, as defined in Section 1351.08(j) of the Building and Housing Code, shall not be parked, stored or permitted to remain in the City unless it is parked in an enclosed garage in a Single-Family House District as permitted in Section 1355.12 of the Building and Housing Code, or in a Class U-9 District while it is being repaired, but only where such vehicle is parked or stored for less than seventy-two hours if the location of the vehicle is within 200 feet of a public street. (Ord. 1988-90. Passed 6-20-88.)
   660.08  OPEN BURNING.
   EDITOR'S NOTE:  See Chapter 1511.
   (a)    No person shall abandon or knowingly permit to remain on public or private property, any excavation, well, cesspool or structure which is in the process of construction, reconstruction, repair or alteration unless the same is adequately protected by suitable barricades and guarded by warning devices or lights at night so that the condition will not reasonably prove dangerous to life or limb.
   (b)    No person shall destroy, remove, damage or extinguish any barricade or warning light that is placed for the protection of the public so as to prevent injury to life or limb.
   (c)    Any owner or agent in control of a premises upon which a basement, cellar, well or cistern has been abandoned due to demolition, failure to build or any other reason shall cause the same to be filled to the ground surface with rock, gravel, earth or other suitable material. (Ord. 1969-54. Passed 7-7-69.)