The building official shall not issue a final occupancy certificate for any building or structure until the building or structure complies with all applicable provisions of this village code and the Bartlett zoning ordinance, and all necessary repairs of public or private property damaged during construction have been completed. All nonresidential uses are required to have an occupancy certificate prior to opening to ensure that all health and life safety issues have been addressed. In the event of a change in ownership, and/or a change in the use of any nonresidential structure, a new occupancy permit shall be required and an inspection of the premises by the planning and development services department shall be requested by the present and/or proposed new owner, and shall take place prior to said change in ownership and/or use and issuance of an occupancy permit, to determine whether the structure complies with this code and what, if any, modifications and/or improvements are proposed and/or required to eliminate any life safety violations and to bring said structure up to current building code requirements as nearly as practicable, taking into account the age of the structure, type of construction, floor layout, physical constraints, proposed new use and cost to retrofit, to determine whether the proposed new and/or additional use complies with the Bartlett zoning ordinance. Final inspections are required by the planning and development services department for all uses, the applicable fire district, health department and village engineer for all attached two (2) dwelling, townhome, multi-family and nonresidential uses. No building or part thereof, whether for nonresidential uses or residential uses, shall be occupied in whole or in part for human habitation or use until a final occupancy certificate, or a conditional occupancy certificate pursuant to section 9-5-4 of this chapter, has been issued by the building director or assistant building director. Final occupancy certificate requirements are as follows:
   A.   The building has been substantially completed in accordance with this code and the village approved plans.
   B.   The use for which an occupancy certificate is requested is a permitted use or authorized special use in the zoning district in which the building is located and the building is not in violation of the setback requirements of the Bartlett zoning ordinance. No occupancy certificate issued in error shall constitute zoning approval, or may be relied upon as a zoning approval or waiver, or act as an estoppel of the village's right to enforce its zoning ordinance or other ordinances of the village.
   C.   The dwelling meets the minimum requirements of the property maintenance code (chapter 13 of this title), and the health code (title 4 of this code).
   D.   The public sidewalk has been installed in front of the building for which the occupancy certificate is issued.
   E.   All concrete stoops, sidewalks, driveways and sod (and/or seeding if allowed under section 9-5-7 of this chapter) have been properly installed and inspected, final grading and final landscaping have been completed and the final topographic survey has been filed with the building department. (Ord. 2014-46, 6-3-2014; amd. Ord. 2020-56, 6-16-2020)