A.   Creation Of Office; Appointment; Bond: There is hereby created the office of Building and Code Enforcement Division Manager who shall be appointed by the Village President with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees for a term of one year. The bond of the Building and Code Enforcement Division Manager shall be fixed by the Board at the time of his or her appointment.
   B.   Qualifications: To be eligible for appointment, the Building and Code Enforcement Division Manager shall be generally informed on the quality and strength of building materials and prevailing methods of construction for safety, comfort and convenience.
   C.   Duties: It shall be the duty of the Building and Code Enforcement Division Manager to supervise the inspection of all buildings and structures being constructed, repaired or altered, as frequently as may be necessary to insure compliance with Village ordinances and to supervise those individuals empowered to act as building inspectors, plumbing inspectors, electrical inspectors, health inspectors, and code enforcement officers.
      1.   Ex Officio Plumbing Inspector: The Building and Code Enforcement Division Manager shall act as ex officio plumbing inspector and shall have the powers and perform all the duties connected with that office.
      2.   Ex Officio Electrical Inspector: The Building and Code Enforcement Division Manager shall act as ex officio electrical inspector and shall have the powers and perform all the duties connected with that office.
      3.   Building Official: The Building and Code Enforcement Division Manager shall be and is hereby designated as the "Building Official" as that term is defined in, referred to, and used elsewhere in this code, including without limitation, the Bartlett Building Code codified as title 9, and in the applicable international, national or state codes, as amended and adopted by the Village of Bartlett, and incorporated by reference in section 9-1-2 of title 9 of the Bartlett Municipal Code.
   D.   Stop Orders: The Building and Code Enforcement Division Manager shall have the power to order all work stopped on construction, alteration or repair of buildings in the Village when such work is being done in violation of any provision of any ordinance relating thereto or in violation of the zoning regulations of the Village. Work shall not be resumed after the issuance of such an order except on the written permission of the Building and Code Enforcement Division Manager; provided, however, that if the stop order is an oral one, it shall be followed by a written stop order within an hour. Such stop order may be served by any building official or police officer.
   E.   Entry Powers: The Building and Code Enforcement Division Manager shall have the power to make or cause to be made an entry into any building or premises where the work of altering, repairing or constructing of any building or structure is going on, for the purpose of making inspections at any reasonable hour.
   F.   Report Of Permits To Assessors: In addition to all other duties, the Building and Code Enforcement Division Manager or the Director of Planning and Development Services shall forward to the applicable Township Assessor and County Assessor at the end of each month a report which shall include a listing of each building permit issued during that month. Each such report shall list the legal description of the lot or land for which the permit issued, and the permanent index number of the lot or land for which a permit issued during the month.
   G.   Penalty: Any person who shall continue work in violation of a stop order of the Building and Code Enforcement Division Manager shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars ($100.00) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) for each day on which any work in violation of such stop order is done.
   H.   Acting Building And Code Enforcement Division Manager: In the event the Building and Code Enforcement Division Manager shall be incapacitated from performing the duties of his or her office, or in the event of a vacancy in the office of Building and Code Enforcement Division Manager, the Director of Planning and Development Services shall serve as the acting Building and Code Enforcement Division Manager and acting Building Official during such absence, incapacity or vacancy with all the powers and duties of that office, and who shall perform the duties thereof without furnishing any additional bond and shall serve in that capacity until a qualified person is appointed by the president with the advice and consent of the board of trustees to fill a vacancy declared in that office. (Ord. 2017-55, 5-2-2017; amd. Ord. 2022-06, 1-18-2022)