Chapter 28
   *Charter References— Motor vehicle regulation, § 10.1 et seq.
   Cross References— Junk vehicles, § 10-51 et seq.; offenses and miscellaneous provisions, ch. 16; streets, sidewalks and other public places, ch. 24.
   State Law References— Motor vehicles, G. S. ch. 20; powers of local authorities, G.S. 20-169.
Article I. General
Sec. 28-1. Preamble.
Sec. 28-2. Appeal.
Sec. 28-3. Definitions.
Sec. 28-4. Exemptions.
Sec. 28-5. Liabilities.
Sec. 28-6. Penalties.
Sec. 28-7. Towing and impoundment.
Sec. 28-8. Schedule of penalties.
Sec. 28-9. Transition of compliance with Chapter 28 for internal combustion engine (I.C.E.) vehicles.
Secs. 28-10—28-29. Reserved.   
Article II. Operation of Vehicles
Division 1. General Rules of the Road
Sec. 28-30. Helmet requirements and restraining seat use requirements.
Sec. 28-31. Improper equipment.
Sec. 28-32. Open container of alcoholic beverage.
Sec. 28-33. Parking.
Sec. 28-34. Passing.
Sec. 28-35. Prohibited modes of transportation.
Sec. 28-36. Reckless driving.
Sec. 28-37. Speed limit.
Sec. 28-38. Stop signs.
Sec. 28-39. Streets with vehicle restrictions.
Sec. 28-40. Unlicensed drivers.
Sec. 28-41. Vehicles on beaches.
Secs. 28-42—28-49. Reserved.
Division 2. Personal-Use Electric Vehicles
Sec. 28-50. Purpose.
Sec. 28-51. Mandatory registration of personal-use electric vehicles.
Sec. 28-52. Registration requirements.
Sec. 28-53. Personal-use electric vehicle equipment and specifications.
Sec. 28-54. Issuance of registration.
Secs. 28-55—28-69. Reserved.
Division 3. Commercial-Use Vehicles
Sec. 28-70. Purpose.
Sec. 28-71. Mandatory permits for commercial-use vehicles.
Sec. 28-72. Permit requirements for electric commercial-use vehicles.
Sec. 28-73. Electric commercial-use vehicle equipment and specifications.
Sec. 28-74. Permit requirements for internal combustion engine (I.C.E.) vehicles.
Sec. 28-75. Special use permit for internal combustion engine (I.C.E.) vehicles.
Sec. 28-76. Time of operation.
Sec. 28-77. Parking of commercial-use vehicles.
Secs. 28-78—28-89. Reserved.
Division 4. Trailers
Sec. 28-90. Purpose.
Sec. 28-91. Classes of trailers.
Sec. 28-92. Permit requirements.
Sec. 28-93. Mandatory permits for commercial-use trailers.
Sec. 28-94. Special use permit.
Sec. 28-95. Time of operation.
Sec. 28-96. Parking of commercial trailers.
Secs. 28-97—28-109. Reserved.
Division 5. Taxicabs and Taxicab Drivers
Sec. 28-110. General.
Sec. 28-111. Written approval of taxicabs required.
Sec. 28-112. Taxicab driver’s license required.
Secs. 28-113—28-129. Reserved.
Article III. Harbour Village Parking District
Sec. 28-130. Establishment.
Sec. 28-131. General provisions.
Sec. 28-132. Administration.
Sec. 28-133. Enforcement and penalties.
Sec. 28-134. Exemptions.
Sec. 28-135. Miscellaneous provisions.
Secs. 28-136—28-149. Reserved.