Sec. 28-130. Establishment.
   (a)   There is hereby established on Bald Head Island the Harbour Village Parking District ("District"). The purpose hereof is to promulgate and adopt certain regulations and policies pertaining to the parking of vehicles and trailers within the District.
   (b)   The District shall include the right-of-way boundaries of those public streets and alleys that have been dedicated and accepted by the village including: Keelson Row; Leeward Court; Windward Court; Tanbark Court; Transom Row; Turks Head Court; Row Boat Row; Brinkman's Alley; Pequod Alley; and Ebeneezer Alley; in addition to such adjoining areas as may be identified within the terms of this article. It is acknowledged that a portion of the District lies outside of the Harbour Village subdivision boundary.
   (c)   There are created hereby the following parking use designations within the District:
   (1)   No parking overnight;
   (2)   Yacht Club parking only;
   (3)   Overnight parking Harbour Village resident decal only; and
   (4)   No parking.
   There is attached to Ordinance Number 2013-0202 and made a part of this article a plat of the District ("District Overlay") with a color-coded overlay that depicts various use control and designated parking areas within the District ("parking spaces"). The Council may, from time to time, amend the parking use designations and parking spaces by amendment of the plat attached to Ordinance Number 2013-0202. The then-current version of the plat shall be maintained at Village Hall.
(Ord. No. 2013-0202, 2-20-2013; Ord. of 2019, 10-15-2019)