Chapter 14
*   Cross References: and building regulations, ch. 6; environment, ch. 10; streets, sidewalks and other public places, ch. 24; subdivisions, ch. 26; utilities, ch. 30; zoning, ch. 32.
   State Law References: regulation, G.S. 143-215.51 et seq.; authority to enact and enforce floodway regulations, G.S. 160A-458.1.
Article I. In General
Secs. 14-1--14-30. Reserved.
Article II. Flood Damage Prevention
Division 1. Generally
Subdivision 1. Coastal Regular Phase
Sec. 14-31. Statutory authorization.
Sec. 14-32. Findings of fact.
Sec. 14-33. Statement of purpose.
Sec. 14-34. Objectives.
Sec. 14-35. Definitions.
Subdivision 2. General Provisions
Sec. 14-36. Lands to which this article applies.
Sec. 14-37. Basis for establishing the special flood hazard areas.
Sec. 14-38. Establishment of floodplain development permit.
Sec. 14-39. Compliance.
Sec. 14-40. Abrogation and greater restrictions.
Sec. 14-41. Interpretation.
Sec. 14-42. Warning and disclaimer of liability.
Sec. 14-43. Penalties for violation.
Secs. 14-44--14-60. Reserved.
Division 2. Administration
Sec. 14-61. Designation of floodplain administrator.
Sec. 14-62. Floodplain development application, permit and certification requirements.
Sec. 14-63. Duties and responsibilities of the floodplain administrator.
Sec. 14-64. Corrective procedures.
Sec. 14-65. Variance procedures.
Secs. 14-66--14-80. Reserved.
Division 3. Provisions for Flood Hazard Reduction
Sec. 14-81. General standards.
Sec. 14-82. Specific standards.
Sec. 14-83. Reserved.
Sec. 14-84. Coastal high hazard areas (zone VE).
Sec. 14-85. Standards for coastal A zones (Zone CAZ) LiMWA.
Secs. 14-86--14-100. Reserved.
Article III. Minor Developments
Division 1. Generally
Sec. 14-101. Administrative policy.
Secs. 14-102--14-120. Reserved.
Division 2. Permits
Sec. 14-121. Purposes.
Sec. 14-122. Definition.
Sec. 14-123. Requirements.
Sec. 14-124. Permit application.
Sec. 14-125. Appeal procedures.
Sec. 14-126. Injunctive relief and penalties.
Sec. 14-127. Amendment procedures.