Sec. 28-74. Permit requirements for internal combustion engine (I.C.E.) vehicles.
   (a)   Filing of application. The owner of any I.C.E. vehicle must apply to the village for a permit to operate the vehicle on village streets. Applications outlining the process to prove the eligibility and/or need for an I.C.E. vehicle permit may be obtained from the village. All required information, documentation, and fees may change from time to time by resolution of Council or determination by the Director or Village Manager.
   (b)   Proof of need for I.C.E. permit consideration. The village shall review all I.C.E. vehicle permit applications, requested information, and documentation. The village may issue the requested permit for an I.C.E. vehicle if it is determined that the applicant has proven:
   (1)   The proposed use of the vehicle meets the need for which the permit is sought; and
   (2)   The proposed use of the vehicle may only be met reasonably by use of a vehicle powered by an internal combustion engine; and
   (3)   The application complies in all other respects with the aforesaid provisions.
   (c)   Permit requirements. Should a permit be granted, the permit holder is required to maintain proof of:
   (1)   A signed agreement to obey all village rules and traffic regulations;
   (2)   A current vehicle registration;
   (3)   A current vehicle inspection pursuant to G.S. 20-183.2;
   (4)   Insurance in amounts not less than those statutorily required for liability insurance under G.S. 20-279.1 et seq.; and
   (5)   Any other information as may be required and determined by the village from time to time.
   (d)   Permit fees. The permits issued pursuant to this section shall be issued by the village upon payment of a permit fee as determined by the Village Council from time to time.
   (e)   Revocation of permit. For failure to comply with any of the provisions set forth in this division, the village in its sole discretion may refuse to permit the vehicle or may choose to revoke any permit previously issued.
(Ord. of 2019, 10-15-2019)