(1) The owner or operator of a vehicle that has been rendered immobile or inoperable for mechanical reasons not related to the negligent or intentional conduct of the owner or operator shall be exempt from the provisions of this article for a period of 72 hours, provided that such person advises the Director of such circumstances and provides the Director with their name, contact information, the village vehicle permit registration number, a vehicle description and the location of the vehicle.
(2) If a stolen vehicle or vehicle taken without the consent of the owner or operator is parked in violation of this article, it shall be exempt from the terms hereof provided the owner or operator of the vehicle advises the Director of such circumstances and provides the Director with their name, contact information, the village vehicle permit registration number and a description of the vehicle. This exemption shall last for a period of 72 hours following discovery of the vehicle parked within the District and notice of same provided to the owner or operator.
(3) Exemptions shall not apply in the case of any vehicle left or parked within the District in such a manner as to impede safe usage of the Harbour Village streets and alleys, access by emergency vehicles, equipment and responders, and safe pedestrian traffic.
(Ord. No. 2013-0202, 2-20-2013; Ord. of 2019, 10-15-2019)
(1) This article shall become effective upon execution and delivery of those documents and completion of those actions set forth in the Resolution of Village Council Regarding Harbour Village Street Dedication, Parking Ordinance and Related Agreements adopted January 18, 2013. Satisfaction of these requirements shall be evidenced by a letter from the Village Manager delivered to the Village Clerk stating the date of satisfaction.
(2) Nothing contained herein shall limit, restrict or obviate the rights of the Harbour Association and Bald Head Island Limited, LLC to regulate, control and limit parking and other usage of Harbour Village common areas, private property, and other areas outside of village dedicated rights-of-way.
(3) The Village Manager shall have the power reasonably and temporarily to abate the strict enforcement of this article during the periods of village special events and holidays and only for the duration of such special events and holidays.
(4) The Director and Village Manager shall have the discretionary power to waive or set aside the strict enforcement of this article and the collection of any fine, fee or charge for hardship or other just cause shown.
(Ord. No. 2013-0202, 2-20-2013; Ord. of 2019, 10-15-2019)