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   The Municipal Planning Commission shall consist of (a) the Mayor, (b) one member of Council, to be chosen by Council, and (c) five (5) citizens to be chosen by Council, who at the date of their respective appointment are and have for two (2) years last past been registered, qualified electors of the Municipality, who hold no other elective or appointive offices or positions in the municipal administration. The members of the Planning Commission shall continue to possess the qualifications of registered, qualified electors of the Municipality throughout their term of office, or they shall forfeit their office. Failure of any member of the Commission to maintain said qualifications shall not render void or ineffective any action of the Municipal Planning Commission in which such member has participated.
(Amended 5-2-1995)
   The Mayor or the Mayor’s appointee and member of Council shall serve only during the term of office for which the Mayor and member of Council have been elected. The five (5) electors chosen by Council shall serve a term of five (5) years each, the plan being that one elector’s term should expire every five (5) years and a new appointment for a five (5) year term should be made every year and shall serve no more than two (2) consecutive terms.
   Any vacancy occurring in the Commission shall be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term in the same manner that the position was originally filled.
(Amended 5-2-1995; 11-2-2004)
   The Municipal Planning Commission shall have such powers and duties as are or may be conferred upon it by the general laws of the State of Ohio, and such powers as may be conferred upon it by Council, concerning the plan, design, location, removal, relocation, widening, extension and vacation of streets, parkways, playgrounds, and other public places; the approval of plats for subdivision of land; and the zoning of the Municipality for any lawful purpose. They shall constantly endeavor to formulate plans for the future physical development of the Municipality.
   The members of the Municipal Planning Commission shall serve without compensation. With the prior approval of Council, any expense incurred by the Commission or the members thereof in the performance of their duties, shall be paid from the Municipal Treasury.