(a) Philosophy. The city will adopt a comprehensive plan to address the needs and concerns of the residents with respect to pedestrian traffic. Sidewalks shall be installed in the city rights-of-way to ensure safety and security to persons walking. The sidewalks shall be free of hazards and nuisances, such as uneven sections, large cracks, standing water and overhanging vegetation. The sidewalks shall also be a safe distance from the roadways and meet all ADA requirements for width and grade.
(b) Goals.
(1) Safety of residents walking.
(2) Prioritize need.
(3) Ensure uniformity.
(4) All new city streets will have sidewalks in accordance with divisions (c)(1) and (c)(2) of this section and § 1010.07.
(c) Standards.
(1) Minimum of four feet in width.
(2) Walks to be a minimum of eight feet from the edge of the road pavement.
(3) Walks to be installed in the city right-of-way or highway easement.
(4) Walks shall run parallel to the roadway.
(5) Consideration shall be given to trees and other unmovable objects in the right-of-way. However, walks shall be installed with as few curves and variations as possible.
(6) When walks are not feasible on both sides of the street for safety, clear distance and right-of- way issues, then the walks shall be installed only on one side of the street and the walk shall be increased in width to a minimum of five feet to accommodate traffic in both directions. When this instance occurs the walk shall be uniform and extend a minimum distance of one city block, or 740 feet. Also, a cross-over shall be installed to reflect the walk if only on one side of the street.
(7) A sidewalk plan shall be in place for the entire city block, or 750 feet prior to any installation of sidewalks, to ensure uniformity.
(8) Sufficient right-of-way shall be required to accommodate sidewalks. If sufficient right-of-way is not possible, then alternatives such as walks on one side of the street shall be considered.
(9) If right-of-way is not sufficient for sidewalks on either side of the street, then sidewalks shall not be required. Sufficient right-of-way shall be determined by the City Engineer.
(10) The installation of new sidewalks should include flexibility in design when considering topography and existing trees
(d) Prioritization.
(1) Main streets in residential districts shall be given top priority.
(2) Connector streets in residential districts shall be considered next.
(3) Streets that feed to shopping centers, commercial districts, schools and parks shall be considered next.
(e) Special prioritization. Council at its discretion may consider construction of new sidewalks outside of the area priorities established by the pavement management plan. In such instances priority shall be given to:
(1) Locations where safety can be improved, particularly safety of children.
(2) Locations with a demonstrated pedestrian need.
(3) Completion of sidewalk continuity in residential and commercial neighborhoods.
(4) Locations responding to a petition of neighbors representing 50% of the owners within a block.
(f) Planning.
(1) The Public Works Department will develop a list based upon the priority list in division (d) of this section.
(2) The Public Works Department will develop a comprehensive sidewalk plan to address each street in the city, including streets deemed not to need sidewalks.
(3) The Public Works Department will make recommended plan to the City Council. The plan will include:
A. Priorities.
B. Right-of-way acquisition.
C. Total cost estimate.
D. Time frame necessary to implement and complete the plan.
(4) The installation of sidewalks will be approved by the Public Works Department to ensure continuity and conformity to the comprehensive plan. Adjustments to horizontal locations may be made by the Municipal Engineer.
(Ord. 222-04, passed 10-25-2004; Ord. 43-2014, passed 4-14-2014)
In the right-of-way, sidewalks shall be constructed of concrete on two inches of limestone base per the following specifications and under the direction of the Municipal Engineer.
Concrete shall be continuously deposited between bulkheads to a uniform thickness of four inches to the full depth and width of the walk. The concrete, after being placed, shall be thoroughly compacted and brought to the proper pitch and grade with a template or straight edge. Immediately prior to the finishing of the surface, the walk shall be cut into slabs not longer than four feet on any one side, with one-half inch expansion joints at intervals not to exceed 30 feet. The finish of the walk shall immediately follow the placing and compacting of the concrete. The concrete shall have a minimum of six sacks of cement per cubic yard, 6% air entrained following ODOT specifications and the following on two inches of limestone base. Unless otherwise ordered, the finish shall be the same as that produced with wood floats. After the concrete has been properly placed and finished as heretofore specified, the surface of the concrete shall be covered with waterproof membrane as soon as the concrete has hardened sufficiently to prevent the material from excessively marring the surface. The concrete shall be protected to insure that the concrete temperatures will not go below 40°F. The contractor shall erect suitable barricades and take adequate precautions to keep all traffic or other operations off the newly-laid walks for a period of not less than 48 hours from the completion of construction. No walks will be accepted where foot marks, depressions or other irregularities exist.
(Ord. 56-90, passed 3-26-1990)
On driveways, the specifications for concrete sidewalks shall be adhered to, except that in all concrete driveways there must be at least six inches in thickness of concrete on two inches of limestone base. In addition, all driveways must be constructed to the satisfaction of the Municipal Engineer, who is hereby given discretion where emergencies require. An expansion joint shall be placed between the driveway walk and the drive apron.
(Ord. 56-90, passed 3-26-1990)
(a) With respect to sidewalks heretofore laid within the city not in conformity with the requirements of this chapter, there is reserved to the city such rights as are granted to the city by the statutes of the state to require such walks to be relaid or repaired in conformity with the provisions of this chapter.
(b) The installation and repair of sidewalks in city rights-of-way are the responsibility of abutting property owners. Existing sidewalk slabs that are uneven or out of alignment with adjacent slabs by one inch or more must be repaired. If an existing sidewalk slab is cracked, and the crack is more than one inch in width or results in a difference in elevation of one inch or more on each side of the crack, the slab must be replaced. Existing sidewalk slabs that slope more than one inch per foot toward the street or toward the abutting property must be repaired.
(Ord. 103-99, passed 6-14-1999)
Except for the State of Ohio, Lorain County, or a contractor, pursuant to an agreement with the city, no person shall cut a curb within the city to provide access to a piece of land without securing the proper right-of-way permit.
When the cut is made by the owner, a two-foot wide area beyond the line set up by the face of the curb toward the centerline shall be removed. A steel driveway underdrain pipe shall be placed at the back of the curb, as required by the Municipal Engineer.
Newly-formed curb section shall be doweled into the existing concrete paving, using standard five- eighths inch hook tie bars.
(Ord. 56-90, passed 3-26-1990)
(a) No walk shall be installed in the right-of-way from the curb to the city sidewalk. No walk shall be installed behind the curb unless it is authorized sidewalk, as approved by the Municipal Engineer. All areas in the right-of-way not covered by authorized sidewalk or drive apron shall be covered by grass, as approved by the Municipal Engineer. Exceptions and approvals to this section shall be limited to the following:
(1) Street trees shall be allowed to be planted and maintained in tree lawns only as they may be approved by the Urban Forester pursuant to Chapter 1018;
(2) Sprinkler heads within the city tree lawn shall only be permitted along the edge of the sidewalk as authorized by the Building Department and Public Works Department pursuant to § 608.16.5 of the 2007 Ohio Plumbing Code and § 1010.12 respectively. A right-of-way permit shall be required from the Public Works Department for all sprinklers installed within the right-of-way.
(3) Mailbox posts shall conform to the standards established by the Ohio Department of Transportation Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (ODOT MUTCD) § 803.11 Mailbox Supports, shall be limited to four inches by four inches wood posts or two inch diameter steel pipes, and shall not require permit approval for installation.
(4) Certain items in the city tree lawns that are otherwise in violation of the foregoing provisions of this section may be permitted to remain in their current locations in accordance with and subject to the terms and conditions of § 1010.12.
(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter or Chapter 1018 to the contrary, upon application of a property owner, the Urban Forester may allow trees, shrubs, grasses, vegetation and other plants or landscape features not specifically permitted by division (a) of this section to be planted, installed and maintained in the tree lawn abutting such owner’s property if the Urban Forester determines that:
(1) Such trees, shrubs, grasses, vegetation or other plants will not violate § 668.01 of this code of ordinances;
(2) The vegetation or plants are not considered noxious weeds or undesirable vegetation under § 668.01(a)(1), (a)(2) or (a)(4) of this code of ordinances;
(3) Such trees, shrubs, grasses, vegetation, other plants, or landscape features will not constitute an obstruction or a nuisance;
(4) Any utility appurtenance i.e., valve covers, manhole covers, water meters, and valve boxes cannot be covered; and
(5) No person shall stand or park a vehicle upon any tree lawn for which the owner of the tree lawn has obtained a pollinator planting permit.
All trees, shrubs, grasses, vegetation or other plants or landscape features planted, installed or maintained pursuant to this division (b) shall be subject to the applicable provisions of § 668.01 of this code of ordinances.
(Ord. 56-90, passed 3-26-1990; Ord. 133-2011, passed 12-12-2011; Ord. 43-2014, passed 4-14-2014; Ord. 110-2015, passed 9-14-2015; Ord. 9-2020, passed 2-10-2020; Ord. 23-84, passed 5-9-2023)