(a) Every individual taxpayer domiciled in the city who is required to and does pay, or has acknowledged liability for, a municipal tax to another municipality on or measured by the same income, qualifying wages, commissions, net profits or other compensation taxable under this chapter may claim a non-refundable credit upon satisfactory evidence of the tax paid to the other municipality. Subject to division (c) of this section, the credit shall not exceed the tax due the city under this chapter. If the tax rate of the other municipality is less than 1.5%, the credit shall be limited to the tax due at the lower rate.
(b) The city shall grant a credit against its tax on income to a resident of the city who works in a joint economic development zone created under R.C. § 715.691 or a joint economic development district created under R.C. §§ 715.70, 715.71, or 715.72 to the same extent that it grants a credit against its tax on income to its residents who are employed in another municipal corporation.
(c) If the amount of tax withheld or paid to the other municipality is less than the amount of tax required to be withheld or paid to the other municipality, then for purposes of division (a) of this section, “the income, qualifying wages, commissions, net profits or other compensation” subject to tax in the other municipality shall be limited to the amount computed by dividing the tax withheld or paid to the other municipality by the tax rate for that municipality.
(d) Intentionally left blank.
(Ord. 163-2015, passed 12-21-2015)
(a) As used in this section:
(1) “Estimated taxes” means the amount that the taxpayer reasonably estimates to be the taxpayer’s tax liability for the city’s income tax for the current taxable year.
(2) “Tax liability” means the total taxes due to the city for the taxable year, after allowing any credit to which the taxpayer is entitled, and after applying any estimated tax payment, withholding payment, or credit from another taxable year.
(b) (1) Every taxpayer shall make a declaration of estimated taxes for the current taxable year, on the form prescribed by the Tax Administrator, if the amount payable as estimated taxes is at least $200. For the purposes of this section:
A. Taxes withheld for the city from qualifying wages shall be considered as paid to the city in equal amounts on each payment date unless the taxpayer establishes the dates on which all amounts were actually withheld, in which case they shall be considered as paid on the dates on which the amounts were actually withheld; and
B. An overpayment of tax applied as a credit to a subsequent taxable year is deemed to be paid on the date of the postmark stamped on the cover in which the payment is mailed or, if the payment is made by electronic funds transfer, the date the payment is submitted. As used in this division, “date of the postmark” means, in the event there is more than one date on the cover, the earliest date imprinted on the cover by the Postal Service.
(2) Taxpayers filing joint returns shall file joint declarations of estimated taxes. A taxpayer may amend a declaration under rules prescribed by the Tax Administrator. A taxpayer having a taxable year of less than 12 months shall make a declaration under rules prescribed by the Tax Administrator.
(3) The declaration of estimated taxes shall be filed on or before the date prescribed for the filing of municipal income tax returns under § 886.05(a)(7) or on or before the fifteenth day of the fourth month after the taxpayer becomes subject to tax for the first time.
(4) Taxpayers reporting on a fiscal year basis shall file a declaration on or before the fifteenth day of the fourth month after the beginning of each fiscal year or period.
(5) The original declaration or any subsequent amendment may be increased or decreased on or before any subsequent quarterly payment day as provided in this section.
(c) (1) The required portion of the tax liability for the taxable year that shall be paid through estimated taxes made payable to the city, including the application of tax refunds to estimated taxes and withholding on or before the applicable payment date, shall be as follows:
A. On or before the fifteenth day of the fourth month after the beginning of the taxable year, 22.5% of the tax liability for the taxable year;
B. On or before the fifteenth day of the sixth month after the beginning of the taxable year, 45% of the tax liability for the taxable year;
C. On or before the fifteenth day of the ninth month after the beginning of the taxable year, 67.5% of the tax liability for the taxable year; and
D. On or before the fifteenth day of the twelfth month of the taxable year, 90% of the tax liability for the taxable year.
(2) When an amended declaration has been filed, the unpaid balance shown due on the amended declaration shall be paid in equal installments on or before the remaining payment dates.
(3) On or before the fifteenth day of the fourth month of the year following that for which the declaration or amended declaration was filed, an annual return shall be filed and any balance which may be due shall be paid with the return in accordance with § 886.05.
(d) (1) In the case of any underpayment of any portion of a tax liability, penalty and interest may be imposed pursuant to § 886.18 upon the amount of underpayment for the period of underpayment, unless the underpayment is due to reasonable cause as described in division (e) of this section. The amount of the underpayment shall be determined as follows:
A. For the first payment of estimated taxes each year, 22.5% of the tax liability, less the amount of taxes paid by the date prescribed for that payment;
B. For the second payment of estimated taxes each year, 45% of the tax liability; less the amount of taxes paid by the date prescribed for that payment;
C. For the third payment of estimated taxes each year, 67.5% of the tax liability, less the amount of taxes paid by the date prescribed for that payment; and
D. For the fourth payment of estimated taxes each year, 90% of the tax liability, less the amount of taxes paid by the date prescribed for that payment.
(2) The period of the underpayment shall run from the day the estimated payment was required to be made to the date on which the payment is made. For purposes of this section, a payment of estimated taxes on or before any payment date shall be considered a payment of any previous underpayment only to the extent the payment of estimated taxes exceeds the amount of the payment presently required to be paid to avoid any penalty.
(e) An underpayment of any portion of tax liability determined under division (d) of this section shall be due to reasonable cause and the penalty imposed by this section shall not be added to the taxes for the taxable year if any of the following apply.
(1) The amount of estimated taxes that were paid equals at least 90% of the tax liability for the current taxable year, determined by annualizing the income received during the year up to the end of the month immediately preceding the month in which the payment is due.
(2) The amount of estimated taxes that were paid equals at least 100% of the tax liability shown on the return of the taxpayer for the preceding taxable year, provided that the immediately preceding taxable year reflected a period of 12 months and the taxpayer filed a return with the city under § 886.05 for that year.
(3) The taxpayer is an individual who resides in the city but was not domiciled there on the first day of January of the calendar year that includes the first day of the taxable year.
(Ord. 163-2015, passed 12-21-2015)
A person may round to the nearest whole dollar all amounts the person is required to enter on any return, report, voucher or other document required under this chapter. Any fractional part of a dollar that equals or exceeds $0.50 shall be rounded to the next whole dollar, and any fractional part of a dollar that is less than $0.50 shall be dropped. If a person chooses to round amounts entered on a document, the person shall round all amounts entered on the document.
(Ord. 163-2015, passed 12-21-2015)
(a) As used in this section, “withholding tax” has the same meaning as in § 886.18.
(b) Upon receipt of a request for a refund, the Tax Administrator, in accordance with this section, shall refund to employers, agents of employers, other payers, or taxpayers, with respect to any income or withholding tax levied by the city:
(1) Overpayments of $10 or more; and
(2) Amounts paid erroneously if the refund requested is $10 or more.
(c) (1) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, requests for refund shall be filed with the Tax Administrator, on the form prescribed by the Tax Administrator within three years after the tax was due or paid, whichever is later. The Tax Administrator may require the requestor to file with the request any documentation that substantiates the requestor’s claim for a refund.
(2) On filing of the refund request, the Tax Administrator shall determine the amount of refund due and certify such amount for payment. Except as provided in division (c)(3) of this section, the Tax Administrator shall issue an assessment to any taxpayer whose request for refund is fully or partially denied. The assessment shall state the amount of the refund that was denied, the reasons for the denial, and instructions for appealing the assessment.
(3) If the Tax Administrator denies in whole or in part a refund request included within the taxpayer’s originally filed annual income tax return, the Tax Administrator shall notify the taxpayer, in writing, of the amount of the refund that was denied, the reasons for the denial, and instructions for requesting an assessment that may be appealed under § 886.21.
(d) A request for a refund that is received after the last day for filing specified in division (c) of this section shall be considered to have been filed in a timely manner if any of the following situations exist.
(1) The request is delivered by the postal service, and the earliest Postal Service postmark on the cover in which the request is enclosed is not later than the last day for filing the request.
(2) The request is delivered by the Postal Service, the only postmark on the cover in which the request is enclosed was affixed by a private postal meter, the date of that postmark is not later than the last day for filing the request, and the request is received within seven days of such last day.
(3) The request is delivered by the Postal Service, no postmark date was affixed to the cover in which the request is enclosed or the date of the postmark so affixed is not legible, and the request is received within seven days of the last day for making the request.
(e) Interest shall be allowed and paid on any overpayment by a taxpayer of any municipal income tax obligation from the date of the overpayment until the date of the refund of the overpayment, except that if any overpayment is refunded within 90 days after the final filing date of the annual return or 90 days after the completed return is filed, whichever is later, no interest shall be allowed on the refund. For the purpose of computing the payment of interest on amounts overpaid, no amount of tax for any taxable year shall be considered to have been paid before the date on which the return on which the tax is reported is due, without regard to any extension of time for filing that return. Interest shall be paid at the interest rate described in § 886.18(a)(4).
(Ord. 163-2015, passed 12-21-2015)
(a) Income tax that has been deposited with the city, but should have been deposited with another municipality, is allowable by the city as a refund but is subject to the three-year limitation on refunds.
(b) Income tax that was deposited with another municipality but should have been deposited with the city is subject to recovery by the city. If the city’s tax on that income is imposed after the time period allowed for a refund of the tax or withholding paid to the other municipality, the city shall allow a non- refundable credit against the tax or withholding the city claims is due with respect to such income or wages, equal to the tax or withholding paid to the first municipality with respect to such income or wages.
(c) If the city’s tax rate is less than the tax rate in the other municipality, then the non-refundable credit shall be calculated using the city’s tax rate. However, if the city’s tax rate is greater than the tax rate in the other municipality, the tax due in excess of the non-refundable credit is to be paid to the city, along with any penalty and interest that accrued during the period of nonpayment.
(d) Nothing in this section permits any credit carry-forward.
(Ord. 163-2015, passed 12-21-2015)
(a) (1) If a taxpayer’s tax liability shown on the annual tax return for the city changes as a result of an adjustment to the taxpayer’s federal or state income tax return, the taxpayer shall file an amended return with the city. The amended return shall be filed on a form required by the Tax Administrator.
(2) If a taxpayer intends to file an amended consolidated municipal income tax return, or to amend its type of return from a separate return to a consolidated return, based on the taxpayer’s consolidated federal income tax return, the taxpayer shall notify the Tax Administrator before filing the amended return.
(b) (1) In the case of an underpayment, the amended return shall be accompanied by payment of any combined additional tax due, together with any penalty and interest thereon. If the combined tax shown to be due is $10 or less, no payment need be made. The amended return shall reopen those facts, figures, computations or attachments from a previously filed return that are not affected, either directly or indirectly, by the adjustment to the taxpayer’s federal or state income tax return only:
A. To determine the amount of tax that would be due if all facts, figures, computations, and attachments were reopened; or
B. If the applicable statute of limitations for civil actions or prosecutions under § 886.12 has not expired for a previously filed return.
(2) The additional tax to be paid shall not exceed the amount of tax that would be due if all facts, figures, computations, and attachments were reopened; i.e., the payment shall be the lesser of the two amounts.
(c) (1) In the case of an overpayment, a request for refund may be filed under this division within the period prescribed by division (d) of this section for filing the amended return, even if it is filed beyond the period prescribed in that division if it otherwise conforms to the requirements of that division. If the amount of the refund is less than $10, no refund need be paid by the city. A request filed under this division shall claim refund of overpayments resulting from alterations only to those facts, figures, computations or attachments required in the taxpayer’s annual return that are affected, either directly or indirectly, by the adjustment to the taxpayer’s federal or state income tax return, unless it is also filed within the time prescribed in § 886.09.
(2) The amount to be refunded shall not exceed the amount of refund that would be due if all facts, figures, computations and attachments were reopened. All facts, figures, computations and attachments may be reopened to determine the refund amount due by inclusion of all facts, figures, computations, and attachments.
(d) Within 60 days after the final determination of any federal or state tax liability affecting the taxpayer’s city tax liability, that taxpayer shall make and file an amended city return showing income subject to city income tax based upon such final determination of federal or state tax liability. The taxpayer shall pay any additional city income tax shown due thereon or make a claim for refund of any overpayment, unless the tax or overpayment is less than $10.
(Ord. 163-2015, passed 12-21-2015)