Civil Service Commission
181.01   Establishment; membership.
181.02   Term.
181.03   Vacancy.
181.04   Duties.
181.05   Classified services.
181.06   Unclassified services.
181.07   Present employees exempt from examination.
181.08   Department heads subject to all rules, rights and privileges.
181.09   Conflict between rules and ordinances.
      Civil service - see Ohio Const., Art. XV, §10; Ohio R.C. Ch. 124
      Created - see CHTR. §15.01
      Application to police and fire personnel - see Ohio R. C. 737.051, 737.10, 737.11
      City employees, provisions - see ADM. Ch. 161
   There is hereby created and established a Civil Service Commission which shall consist of three electors of the City not holding other office or employment with the City. All such members of the Commission are appointed by the Mayor subject to the approval of a majority of Council.
(Ord. 1971-707. Passed 4-12-71.)
   181.02 TERM.
   Members of the Commission will serve terms of six years, except that the three members first appointed shall be designated by the Mayor to serve terms ending December 31, 1972, December 31, 1974 and December 31, 1976, respectively.
(Ord. 1971-707. Passed 4-12-71.)
   181.03 VACANCY.
   A vacancy occurring during the term of any member of the Commission shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner authorized for an original appointment.
(Ord. 1971-707. Passed 4-12-71.)