Chap. 1501.     NOFPC and National Fire Codes.
         Chap. 1503.     Ohio Fire Code.
          Chap. 1511.     Open Burning.
         Chap. 1519.     Fireworks.
NOFPC and National Fire Codes
1501.01   Adoption. (Repealed)
1501.02   Establishment and duties of Bureau of Fire Prevention.
1501.03   Definitions.
1501.04   Conflicts with Building Code or State law. (Repealed)
1501.05   Amendments. (Repealed)
1501.06   Permit schedule. (Repealed)
      Power to regulate elevators, stairways and fire escapes - see Ohio R. C. 715.26
      Fire protection contracts - see Ohio R. C. 717.02
      Adoption of technical codes - see Ohio R. C. 731.231
      Power to regulate against fires - see Ohio R. C. 737.21, 737.37
      Investigation of fires- see Ohio R. C. 737.27, 3737.08
      Right to examine buildings - see Ohio R. C. 737.34 et seq., 3737.14
      Petroleum liquids and gases - see Ohio R. C. 3737.17 et seq.
      Dry cleaning and dyeing - see Ohio R. C. Ch. 3739
      Gasoline, oils and paints - see Ohio R. C. Ch. 3741
      Commercial and heavy vehicles - see TRAF. Ch. 339
      Fireworks and explosives - see GEN. OFF. Ch. 672
      Water rates for fire protection - see S. & P. S. 925. 05
   (EDITOR’S NOTE: Former Section 1501.01 was repealed by Ordinance 2019-209, passed January 13, 2020.)
   (a)    A Bureau of Fire Prevention in the Fire Division of the City is hereby established, which shall be operated under the supervision of the Chief of the Fire Division, under the direction and control of the Director of Public Safety. The person in charge of the Bureau of Fire Prevention shall be referred to and known as the Officer in Charge of the Bureau of Fire Prevention and shall be appointed by the Chief of the Fire Division, on the basis of his qualifications, after approval of the Director of Public Safety.
   (b)    It shall be the duty of the Bureau of Fire Prevention to enforce all laws and ordinances covering the following:
      (1)    The prevention of fires.
      (2)    The storage and use of explosives and flammables.
      (3)    The installation and maintenance of automatic and other fire alarm systems and fire extinguishing equipment.
      (4)    The maintenance and regulations of fire escapes.
      (5)    The maintenance of protection and elimination of hazards in buildings and structures, including those under construction.
      (6)    The means and adequacy of exit in case of fire from all places in which persons work, live or congregate for any purpose from time to time, including but not limited to factories, schools, hotels, hospitals, churches, halls, theaters and amphitheaters.
      (7)    The investigation of the cause, origin and circumstances of fires.
      (8)    The inspection, enforcement and issuance of operating permits in connection with incinerators as provided in this chapter.
      (9)    Educate the populace by fire prevention programs.
   The Bureau shall have such other powers and perform such other duties as are set forth in other sections of this chapter and other ordinances, and as may be conferred and imposed from time to time by law.
   This delegation of duty shall not relieve any other department, officer or employee of the City of any power or duty conferred upon it or him by law or ordinance.
(Ord. 2019-209. Passed 1-13-20.)