Commercial and Heavy Vehicles
339.01   Oversize and/or overweight vehicles on State routes and through truck and bus routes.
339.02   Oversize or overweight vehicles on local streets.
339.03   Maximum weight, width, height and length.
339.04   Through trucking.
339.041   Vehicles of public agencies or farm machinery and equipment.
339.05   Wheel protectors.
339.06   Vehicles transporting explosives.
339.07   Towing requirements.
339.08   Loads dropping or leaking; removal required; tracking mud.
339.09   Shifting load; loose loads.
339.10   Vehicles with spikes, lugs and chains.
339.11   Use of studded tires and chains.
339.12   Slow-moving vehicles or equipment crossing railroad tracks.
339.13   Disabled vehicles; extra signal equipment.
339.14   Display of warning devices on disabled vehicles.
339.15   Weight limits during periods of thaw and moisture.
339.16   Definitions.
339.17   Overweight vehicles on highways.
339.18   Weight of load; width of tire.
339.19   Weight limits; towing connection length.
339.20   Maximum axle load, wheel load, gross weights and towing connection length for solid rubber tires.
339.21   Maximum width, height and length.
339.22   Prohibition against violation.
339.23   Reduction of weight and speed during times of thaw and moisture.
339.24   Wheel protectors on vehicles using State highways.
339.25   Notice of arrest.
339.99   Penalty.
      See sectional histories for similar State law
      Weighing vehicle; removal of excess load - see Ohio R. C. 4513.33
      Arrest notice of drivers - see Ohio R. C. 5577.14
      Slower moving vehicles to be driven in right-hand lane - see TRAF. 331.01(b)
      Fatigued or ill drivers - see TRAF. 341.02