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   The following types of signs are prohibited.
   (A)   Signs imitating, resembling or conflicting with official traffic signs or signals.
   (B)   Signs of the flashing, blinking, animated, or audible type, except those giving public service information placed by the City of Aurora and/or the State of Indiana.
   (C)   Skyward lights, search lights, beacons, or any light or lights that project light in visible beams skyward, or project light horizontally or vertically in a circle or other pattern regardless if the light is part of or independent of a sign.
   (D)   Signs which rotate, swing, inflate or move, pennants, ribbons, streamers, spinners, strings of lights, other similar devices or any sign that is temporary in nature due to its design or construction except as permitted in § 152.147.
   (E)   Signs established on trees, utility poles and fences.
   (F)   Roof signs.
   (G)   Signs that promote illegal activity, profanity, or obscene or pornographic content.
   (H)   Vehicle signs with a sign area greater than 50 square feet in cumulative area. Prohibited vehicle signs shall not be construed to include vehicles with signs on them that:
      (1)   Are lawfully parked overnight during non-business hours on a paved surface in a discreet location, or in an enclosed location; or
      (2)   Are making deliveries, sales calls, transporting persons or property, or customary practices relating to operating the business; or
      (3)   Are used in conjunction with customary construction operations on a construction site.
(Ord. 2017-13, passed 12-4-17)
§ 152.144 COMPUTATION.
   (A)   Computation of sign area.
      (1)   The area of a sign face shall be computed by means of the smallest rectangle that will encompass the extreme limits of the sign, but not including any supporting framework, bracing, or decorative fence or wall when such fence or wall otherwise meets the regulations and is clearly incidental to the display itself.
      (2)   Computation of area of multi-faceted sign. Double sided signs with parallel faces shall be computed as the greater square footage of the two sides. If a sign has faces that are not parallel then the sign area shall be computed by adding together the area of all sign faces.
   (B)   Computation of height.
      (1)   The height of a sign shall be computed as the distance from the base of the sign at normal grade to the top of the highest attached component of the sign or structure supporting the sign.
         (a)   Normal grade shall be construed to be the lower of existing grade prior to construction or the newly established grade after construction, exclusive of any filling, berm, mounding, or excavating solely for the purpose of locating the sign. In cases in which the normal grade cannot reasonably be determined, sign height shall be computed on the assumption that the elevation of the normal grade at the base of the sign is equal to the elevation of the nearest point of the crown of a public street or the grade of the land at the primary entrance to the primary structure on the lot, whichever is lower.
   (C)   Computation of maximum total permitted sign area for a lot.
      (1)   The permitted sum of the area of all individual signs, excluding incidental signs, shall be computed by totaling the sign area of each sign, as described above. In cases where multiple regulations cover one lot, the most restrictive regulation shall be used.
   (D)   Sign setback and spacing.
      (1)   Setbacks shall be measured from the sign's leading edge, including associated ornamental and structural components.
(Ord. 2017-13, passed 12-4-17)
   (A)   Any sign located within the city limits on the date of adoption of this subchapter that does not conform to the provisions of this subchapter is eligible for characterization as a legal nonconforming sign and is permitted, provided it also meets the following requirements:
      (1)   The sign was approved by a sign permit or variance on or before the date of adoption of this subchapter if one was required under applicable law, or, if no sign permit was required under applicable law for the sign in question, the sign was in all respects in conformity with the applicable law immediately prior to the adoption of this subchapter or had legal nonconforming status at such time; and
       (2)   The sign is a permanent sign.
   (B)   If land is annexed to the city after the effective date of this subchapter, any sign not conforming to the provisions of this subchapter at such time shall have legal nonconforming status if:
      (1)   Under applicable federal, state, and county regulations, the sign was legal in all respects immediately prior to annexation;
      (2)   The sign is a permanent sign; and
      (3)   The annexation was not conditioned upon the removal or modification of the sign.
   (C)   Any nonconforming sign that does not fit the definition of a legal nonconforming sign is an unlawful sign.
   (D)   A legal nonconforming sign shall immediately lose its legal nonconforming status if:
      (1)   The sign or sign structure, because of improper installation or maintenance, constitutes a threat to public health or safety and remains in such condition after a reasonable time is given to remedy the problem; or
      (2)   The sign is demolished or damaged to the extent of 50% or more of its value; or
      (3)   The permit, variance, or condition under which the sign was permitted expires; or
      (4)   The sign or sign structure is substantially structurally altered so as to prolong its expected life.
   (E)   On the happening of any one of the above-listed items, the sign shall be immediately brought into conformance with this subchapter or shall be removed. The following shall not result in loss of legal nonconforming status:
      (1)   Any changes of color, design, or message on the sign's face; and
      (2)   Any modification to the sign or sign structure which does not constitute a substantial structural modification.
   (F)   Safety, maintenance and repair.
      (1)   Nothing in this subchapter shall relieve the owner or user of a legal nonconforming sign or owner of the property on which the legal nonconforming sign is located from any provisions regarding safety, maintenance and repair of signs.
(Ord. 2017-13, passed 12-4-17)
§ 152.146 SIGN PERMITS.
   (A)   Sign permits are required for all signs unless stated otherwise in this section. An application must be submitted for all proposed signs and must be filed with the Plan Commission. A sign permit shall only be issued if the proposed sign meets the requirements of this subchapter. The sign permit application shall include, at a minimum, the following information:
      (1)   Name and address of the applicant;
      (2)   Name and address of the owner of the property on which the sign is to be located, and the owners signature that will authorize the use of the land for the purposes of locating a sign;
      (3)   A description of the proposed sign including type of sign, supporting structure, method of illumination (if any), and construction materials to be used in the sign;
      (4)   A scaled site plan of the property on which the sign is to be erected showing existing structures and signs, right-of-way lines and the proposed location of the sign(s);
      (5)   A scaled drawing of existing signage and the proposed sign showing display area dimensions, height of sign from grade to bottom and top of the sign and the information to be conveyed on sign.
      (6)   In situations where allowable sign area is contingent upon store frontage, such frontage elevation must be provided to scale.
      (7)   Additional information may be required to verify conformance with this subchapter.
      (8)   In situations where a certificate of appropriateness, an encroachment permit, a variance, or similar additional approval is necessary, such documentation must be provided.
   (B)   Upon receipt of a full and complete application and applicable fees as approved by Council for a sign permit, the Planning Director or designee shall issue a permit or notify the applicant of any nonconformance with the provisions of this subchapter within ten working days. Failure to issue a permit or notify the applicant of any nonconformance does not constitute approval of the proposed sign. If the sign described in any sign permit has not been erected or installed within one year from the date of issuance, the permit shall expire without further notice. The permit may be extended upon request of the applicant prior the date of expiration for a period not to exceed six months. The Planning Director or designee shall maintain a file of all applications for sign permits.
(Ord. 2017-13, passed 12-4-17)
   (A)   General standards.
      (1)   A temporary advertising permit shall be obtained prior to the placement of any such signage.
      (2)   The procedure for acquiring a temporary advertising permit shall be as described in § 152.146, except that all temporary advertising permits must contain the dates that the display will be utilized.
      (3)   No temporary sign shall be maintained, displayed or placed on a property for a period longer than 45 days after the issuance of the permit and 90 days must expire before the applicant can reapply for a new permit for said sign on the property. A new permit is to be obtained for each period.
   (B)   Temporary signage standards.
      (1)   Freestanding signs are permitted in accordance with § 152.142. Signage larger than described can be permitted with a temporary sign permit and be subject to regulations of a freestanding sign, pole sign, or monument sign as described for each zoning district.
      (2)   Banner signs are intended to be attached to the wall and be regulated in accordance with wall signs by each zoning district.
      (3)   Portable message center sign.
         (a)   Sign shall be no more than 32 square feet and no greater than eight feet above the grade level of the adjacent street to which the sign is located or four feet above ground level, whichever is greater.
         (b)   Sign shall have an eight second hold time between messages.
      (4)   Blade signs are permitted once every 50 feet of street frontage up to three per frontage.
         (a)   Signs must be no higher than 18 feet and no wider than three and one-half feet at its widest point.
         (b)   Illumination is not permitted.
      (5)   Sidewalk signs, such as A-frame and T-frame signs are permitted during regular business hours if they are temporarily placed and the following conditions are met:
         (a)   A sign is permitted per tenant up to eight square feet per sign face nor exceeding three feet in width.
         (b)   No such sign shall exceed a height of four feet above the ground.
         (c)   The sign is placed on the sidewalk pavement and there remains sufficient clearance, of at least five feet.
         (d)   Sign must be located within ten feet of the entrance.
   (C)   Temporary special event signage.
      (1)   Only four temporary special event sign permits shall be issued to any one property in any calendar year.
      (2)   Permit shall be valid for a maximum of 30 days.
      (3)   A banner shall be permitted per business, which shall not exceed 32 square feet in size nor 15 feet in height.
      (4)   No more than two temporary free-standing ground signs for each roadway frontage not exceeding four square feet each shall be permitted per lot.
         (a)   For lots with buildings containing multiple tenants and that have applied for simultaneous special event signs, no more than three temporary ground signs may be permitted per roadway frontage at any one time.
         (b)    Sign shall not be greater than five feet above the grade level of the adjacent street to which the sign is located or four feet above ground level, whichever is greater.
      (5)   In lieu of a banner or temporary ground signs, one gas or air-filled advertising device may be permitted per lot, not to exceed a height of 15 feet.
      (6)   Pennants, streamers, and other wind-blown devices shall not be permitted as part of a temporary special event sign permit.
(Ord. 2017-13, passed 12-4-17)
   Signs for residential and agriculture zoned districts are permitted only when in compliance with the following:
   (A)   Each of the following is permitted per parcel.
      (1)   Monument signs.
         (a)   Sign shall be free-standing or ground-mounted and be part of a decorative structure made of wood, brick, stone or masonry with an overall design compatible with the character of the neighborhood.
         (b)   Sign shall be no larger than 32 square feet and no greater than eight feet above the grade level of the adjacent street to which the sign is located or four feet above ground level, whichever is greater.
         (c)   Sign may be externally illuminated.
      (2)   Wall-mounted signs.
         (a)   Sign must fit within the horizontal and vertical elements of the building nor obscure architectural details of the Building nor exceed 10% of wall surface up to 40 square feet.
         (b)   No wall sign shall be allowed to extend above the cornice line of a building, beyond the edges of the wall upon which it is mounted, nor above the roofline.
         (c)   Sign shall be designed to relate to the architectural style of the main building or buildings upon the site.
         (d)   Sign shall not project more than 18 inches perpendicular from the wall face.
         (e)   Sign may be externally illuminated.
      (3)   Projecting signs.
         (a)   Sign shall be no more than four feet in height, and shall not extend more than four feet from the face of the building.
         (b)   Sign shall not exceed a maximum width of three feet.
         (c)   Sign shall be a minimum of eight feet above the adjacent grade nor extend above the cornice line of a building.
         (d)   Sign shall be perpendicular to the building face that the sign is mounted to.
         (e)   Sign may be externally illuminated.
      (4)   Awning or canopy signs.
         (a)   Canopy signs shall have a ground clearance of no less than eight feet above the lowest ground elevation.
         (b)   Canopy signs shall cover no more than 65% of the area of the side faces (awning flaps) of the canopy and no more than 40% of the front (or front-angled or sloped) face of the canopy.
         (c)   Illumination is prohibited.
(Ord. 2017-13, passed 12-4-17)
   Signs for B-l, B-2 and manufacturing zoned districts are permitted only when in compliance with the following:
   (A)   Each of the following is permitted per parcel.
      (1)   Monument/freestanding signs.
         (a)   Sign shall be no larger than 80 square feet and located no higher than the gutter line of the building or 15 feet whichever is less and no closer than five feet to any right-of-way or property line.
         (b)   Such signs may be illuminated provided the light source is designed, located and installed in such a way that there is no glare on public streets or neighboring premises.
         (c)   Planned developments shall be permitted 1 monument sign for each entrance up to two signs. The permitted sign shall be no more than one square foot of sign area per linear foot of the contiguous parcels width at the point of the sign location up to 100 square feet in area nor shall exceed 20 feet in height.
      (2)   Wall-mounted signs.
         (a)   Sign must fit within the horizontal and vertical elements of the building not obstructing architectural details of the building nor exceed 25% of wall surface or 64 square feet. For multiple-tenant buildings, each business shall be permitted a wall-mounted sign, not exceeding 10% of wall surface or one and one- half square feet of sign area per linear foot of store frontage per unit, to a maximum of 64 square feet.
         (b)   No wall sign shall be allowed to extend above the cornice line of a building, beyond the edges of the wall upon which it is mounted, nor above the roofline.
         (c)   Sign shall be designed to relate to the architectural style of the main building or buildings upon the site.
         (d)   Sign shall not project more than 18 inches perpendicular from the wall face.
      (3)   Projecting signs.
         (a)   Sign shall not to exceed 32 square feet.
         (b)   Sign shall not exceed 8 feet in height, nor extend more than six feet from the face of the building.
         (c)   Sign shall not exceed four feet in width.
         (d)   Sign shall be a minimum of eight feet above the adjacent grade nor extend above the cornice line of a building.
         (e)   Sign shall be perpendicular to the building face that the sign is mounted to.
      (4)   Awning or canopy signs.
         (a)   Canopy signs shall have a ground clearance of no less than eight feet above the lowest ground elevation.
         (b)   Canopy signs shall cover no more than 65% of the area of the side faces (awning flaps) of the canopy and no more than 40% of the front (or front-angled or sloped) face of the canopy.
         (c)   Illumination is prohibited.
(Ord. 2017-13, passed 12-4-17; Am. Ord. 2018-014, passed 10-8-18)