The following types of signs are prohibited.
   (A)   Signs imitating, resembling or conflicting with official traffic signs or signals.
   (B)   Signs of the flashing, blinking, animated, or audible type, except those giving public service information placed by the City of Aurora and/or the State of Indiana.
   (C)   Skyward lights, search lights, beacons, or any light or lights that project light in visible beams skyward, or project light horizontally or vertically in a circle or other pattern regardless if the light is part of or independent of a sign.
   (D)   Signs which rotate, swing, inflate or move, pennants, ribbons, streamers, spinners, strings of lights, other similar devices or any sign that is temporary in nature due to its design or construction except as permitted in § 152.147.
   (E)   Signs established on trees, utility poles and fences.
   (F)   Roof signs.
   (G)   Signs that promote illegal activity, profanity, or obscene or pornographic content.
   (H)   Vehicle signs with a sign area greater than 50 square feet in cumulative area. Prohibited vehicle signs shall not be construed to include vehicles with signs on them that:
      (1)   Are lawfully parked overnight during non-business hours on a paved surface in a discreet location, or in an enclosed location; or
      (2)   Are making deliveries, sales calls, transporting persons or property, or customary practices relating to operating the business; or
      (3)   Are used in conjunction with customary construction operations on a construction site.
(Ord. 2017-13, passed 12-4-17)