(A)   General standards.
      (1)   A temporary advertising permit shall be obtained prior to the placement of any such signage.
      (2)   The procedure for acquiring a temporary advertising permit shall be as described in § 152.146, except that all temporary advertising permits must contain the dates that the display will be utilized.
      (3)   No temporary sign shall be maintained, displayed or placed on a property for a period longer than 45 days after the issuance of the permit and 90 days must expire before the applicant can reapply for a new permit for said sign on the property. A new permit is to be obtained for each period.
   (B)   Temporary signage standards.
      (1)   Freestanding signs are permitted in accordance with § 152.142. Signage larger than described can be permitted with a temporary sign permit and be subject to regulations of a freestanding sign, pole sign, or monument sign as described for each zoning district.
      (2)   Banner signs are intended to be attached to the wall and be regulated in accordance with wall signs by each zoning district.
      (3)   Portable message center sign.
         (a)   Sign shall be no more than 32 square feet and no greater than eight feet above the grade level of the adjacent street to which the sign is located or four feet above ground level, whichever is greater.
         (b)   Sign shall have an eight second hold time between messages.
      (4)   Blade signs are permitted once every 50 feet of street frontage up to three per frontage.
         (a)   Signs must be no higher than 18 feet and no wider than three and one-half feet at its widest point.
         (b)   Illumination is not permitted.
      (5)   Sidewalk signs, such as A-frame and T-frame signs are permitted during regular business hours if they are temporarily placed and the following conditions are met:
         (a)   A sign is permitted per tenant up to eight square feet per sign face nor exceeding three feet in width.
         (b)   No such sign shall exceed a height of four feet above the ground.
         (c)   The sign is placed on the sidewalk pavement and there remains sufficient clearance, of at least five feet.
         (d)   Sign must be located within ten feet of the entrance.
   (C)   Temporary special event signage.
      (1)   Only four temporary special event sign permits shall be issued to any one property in any calendar year.
      (2)   Permit shall be valid for a maximum of 30 days.
      (3)   A banner shall be permitted per business, which shall not exceed 32 square feet in size nor 15 feet in height.
      (4)   No more than two temporary free-standing ground signs for each roadway frontage not exceeding four square feet each shall be permitted per lot.
         (a)   For lots with buildings containing multiple tenants and that have applied for simultaneous special event signs, no more than three temporary ground signs may be permitted per roadway frontage at any one time.
         (b)    Sign shall not be greater than five feet above the grade level of the adjacent street to which the sign is located or four feet above ground level, whichever is greater.
      (5)   In lieu of a banner or temporary ground signs, one gas or air-filled advertising device may be permitted per lot, not to exceed a height of 15 feet.
      (6)   Pennants, streamers, and other wind-blown devices shall not be permitted as part of a temporary special event sign permit.
(Ord. 2017-13, passed 12-4-17)