Signs for B-l, B-2 and manufacturing zoned districts are permitted only when in compliance with the following:
(A) Each of the following is permitted per parcel.
(1) Monument/freestanding signs.
(a) Sign shall be no larger than 80 square feet and located no higher than the gutter line of the building or 15 feet whichever is less and no closer than five feet to any right-of-way or property line.
(b) Such signs may be illuminated provided the light source is designed, located and installed in such a way that there is no glare on public streets or neighboring premises.
(c) Planned developments shall be permitted 1 monument sign for each entrance up to two signs. The permitted sign shall be no more than one square foot of sign area per linear foot of the contiguous parcels width at the point of the sign location up to 100 square feet in area nor shall exceed 20 feet in height.
(2) Wall-mounted signs.
(a) Sign must fit within the horizontal and vertical elements of the building not obstructing architectural details of the building nor exceed 25% of wall surface or 64 square feet. For multiple-tenant buildings, each business shall be permitted a wall-mounted sign, not exceeding 10% of wall surface or one and one- half square feet of sign area per linear foot of store frontage per unit, to a maximum of 64 square feet.
(b) No wall sign shall be allowed to extend above the cornice line of a building, beyond the edges of the wall upon which it is mounted, nor above the roofline.
(c) Sign shall be designed to relate to the architectural style of the main building or buildings upon the site.
(d) Sign shall not project more than 18 inches perpendicular from the wall face.
(3) Projecting signs.
(a) Sign shall not to exceed 32 square feet.
(b) Sign shall not exceed 8 feet in height, nor extend more than six feet from the face of the building.
(c) Sign shall not exceed four feet in width.
(d) Sign shall be a minimum of eight feet above the adjacent grade nor extend above the cornice line of a building.
(e) Sign shall be perpendicular to the building face that the sign is mounted to.
(4) Awning or canopy signs.
(a) Canopy signs shall have a ground clearance of no less than eight feet above the lowest ground elevation.
(b) Canopy signs shall cover no more than 65% of the area of the side faces (awning flaps) of the canopy and no more than 40% of the front (or front-angled or sloped) face of the canopy.
(c) Illumination is prohibited.
(Ord. 2017-13, passed 12-4-17; Am. Ord. 2018-014, passed 10-8-18)