A sign containing a message not related to the business or activity conducted on site. The Board of Zoning Appeals may permit such sign as a conditional use provided they meet any applicable federal or state law and the following minimum regulations and requirements:
   (A)   General requirements.
      (1)   Such signage must meet general requirements of § 152.141.
      (2)   No more than one off-premises sign may be permitted per property.
      (3)   Sign illumination shall be regulated by sign type pursuant to the zoning district.
   (B)   A small scale off-premise sign shall be no larger than 32 square feet in area and no more than eight feet in height.
      (1)   Sign standards shall be regulated pursuant to the zoning district.
   (C)   Large scale off-premise signs shall be no larger than 100 square feet in total sign area, nor exceed 25 feet in height and shall conform, at minimum, to the following requirements:
      (1)   Sign shall only be permitted along US 50 and be prohibited in residential zoned districts and the Historic District.
      (2)   Sign may be no closer than 1,000 feet to another large scale off-premise sign.
      (3)   Sign shall have no more than two sides, back to back.
      (4)   Sign shall not have a face height nor width of more than ten feet.
      (5)   Sign shall be set back from any street right-of-way a distance equal to the greatest front yard setback for principally permitted uses in the zoned district in which the sign is proposed or 50 feet, whichever is greater.
   (D)   The application for off premise signage shall be accompanied by the information below:
      (1)   All of the information required by § 152.146;
      (2)   Identification of all highways or other thoroughfares from which the sign will be visible;
      (3)   The location of the proposed sign as well as the location of all existing off-premise signs within one-half mile radius of the proposed location, on a scaled map;
      (4)   A picture or photograph, not less than eight inches by ten inches in size, of the proposed location of the sign taken from each thoroughfare from which the sign will be visible. The proposed location of the sign shall be clearly marked to scale on each photograph.
(Ord. 2017-13, passed 12-4-17)