Disbursement of Funds
   33.01   Appropriation required
   33.02   Issue of warrants
   33.03   Allowance of claims
   33.04   Warrants for payment of claims
   33.05   Payment of compensation to officer or employee prior to vacation leave
   33.06   Claim payments in advance of allowance
   33.07   Transfer of funds
   33.20   Preparation of annual budget estimates
   33.21   Preparation and approval of ordinance fixing tax rate and making annual appropriations
   33.22   Increase or decrease of appropriations after approval of ordinance
   33.35   Dolle’s Park Fund
   33.36   Park Operating Fund; Park Capital Fund
   33.37   Festival Fund
   33.38   Rainy Day Fund
   33.39   Water Depreciation Fund
   33.40   Sanitary Sewer Depreciation Fund
   33.41   Atlanta Ball Fields Non-Reverting Fund
   33.42   LOIT Special Distribution Fund
   33.43   Funds 261 and 263: Rainy Day-Restricted Funds
Capital Asset Policy
   33.45   Adoption of policy
Red Flag Policy
   33.60   Statement of purpose
   33.61   Contact information
   33.62   Identifying relevant red flags
   33.63   Detecting red flags
   33.64   Responding to red flags
   33.65   Personal information security procedures
   33.66   Administration of the program
   33.67   Oversight of service provider arrangements
   33.68   Identity theft prevention program review and approval
Internal Control Standards and Procedures
   33.80   Internal control system mission
   33.81   Policy on materiality and process for reporting material items for the Clerk-Treasurer's Office
   33.82   Oversight Board