§ 1828.01 DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   FOOD ESTABLISHMENT. Any place where food or beverage intended for human consumption is kept, stored, manufactured, prepared, dressed, handled, sold or offered for sale, with or without charge, either at wholesale or retail, and not consumed on the premises. However, the term FOOD ESTABLISHMENT does not include a public eating and drinking place.
   PERISHABLE FOOD. Any food or food product capable of supporting the growth of pathogenic bacteria and consisting principally of milk, milk products, eggs, flour, cornstarch, meat, fish or poultry, together with any other substance used or intended to be used for human consumption, but not including vacuum-packed, sterile food within a hermetically sealed container.
(Ord. 330, passed 11-15-1967)