TITLE TWO - Standard Building Codes
Chap. 1420. Township Building Code.
Chap. 1421. BOCA National Building Code. (Repealed)
Chap. 1422. Plumbing Code. (Repealed)
Chap. 1423. Plumbing Code.
Chap. 1424. Electrical Code.
Chap. 1426. Heating Code.
Chap. 1428. BOCA National Mechanical Code. (Repealed)
Chap. 1430. Pennsylvania Construction Code.
TITLE FOUR - Miscellaneous Building Regulations
Chap. 1440. Demolition.
Chap. 1442. Flood Hazards.
Chap. 1443. Industrialized Housing.
Chap. 1444. Inspectors.
Chap. 1445. Licensing of Contractors.
Chap. 1446. Permits and Fees.
Chap. 1448. Signs. (Repealed)
Chap. 1449. Smoke and Heat Detectors.
Chap. 1450. Swimming Pools.
Chap. 1451. Trailers and Trucks used for Business Purposes.
Chap. 1452. Unsafe Buildings.
TITLE SIX - Property Maintenance
Chap. 1460. Residential Structures.
Chap. 1461. Licensing and Inspection of Multiple Dwellings, Rental Dwellings and Rooming Houses.
Chap. 1462. Nonresidential Structures.
Chap. 1464. International Property Maintenance Code.