A.   Specifications: All sidewalks constructed in the village, except when otherwise specially directed by the village board, shall be constructed under the supervision of the public works and utilities committee under the following specifications:
      1.   Option being allowed the property owners to construct cement walks on any of the public streets in lieu of plank or boards, where the specifications call for board or plank walks, said walks, if laid of cement, on the east and west side of Main Street from Sequoit Creek, south to the southeast corner of the Wilton Opera House, to be of a uniform width of five and one-half feet (51/2'); from the intersection of Main Street and Lake Avenue, on the north and south sides of said Lake Avenue, to the road leading south to the cemetery, to be of a uniform width of four and one-half feet (41/2'). On the south side of Depot Street (so called) from the intersection of Main Street, east to the intersection of the Wisconsin Central Railway right of way, to be of uniform width of five feet (5'). On all other streets and parts of streets not otherwise specified, said walks, if laid of cement, shall be of a uniform width of four feet (4'). All walks to conform to an established grade.
      2.   All sidewalks on the west side of Main Street from Sequoit Creek south to the southeast corner of the Wilton Opera House, to be six feet (6') wide, composed of sound two inch (2") plank, laid crosswise and resting on three (3) two inch by six inch (2" x 6") bearers securely nailed with 20-penny wire spike, not less than six (6) spikes to each plank. All sidewalks on the east side of Main Street from Sequoit Creek south to the intersection of Main Street and Park Avenue, to be six feet (6') wide, composed of sound two inch (2") plank, laid crosswise and resting on three (3) two inch by six inch (2" x 6") bearers securely nailed with 20-penny wire spike, not less than six (6) spikes to each plank.
      3.   All sidewalks on the south side of Lake Avenue from the intersection of Main Street and Lake Avenue west to the intersection of the east line of Victoria Street and Lake Avenue to be five feet four inches (5'4") wide, composed of sound undressed inch boards or two inch (2") plank, laid crosswise and resting, if plank, on three (3) two inch by six inch (2" x 6") bearers, securely nailed with 20-penny wire spike, not less than six (6) spikes to a plank. If composed of inch boards to rest on four (4) two inch by four inch (2" x 4") bearers, securely nailed with 10-penny wire nails, not less than eight (8) nails to a board.
      4.   All sidewalks on the north side of Lake Avenue, beginning at the intersection of Main Street and Lake Avenue, west to the west line of lands owned by Rockwell D. Emmons, to be five feet four inches (5'4") wide, composed of sound undressed inch boards of two inch (2") plank, laid crosswise and resting, if plank, on three (3) two inch by six inch (2" x 6") bearers, securely nailed with 20-penny wire spike, not less than six (6) spikes to each plank. If composed of inch boards to rest on four (4) two inch by four inch (2" x 4") bearers, securely nailed with 10-penny wire nails, not less than eight (8) nails to each board.
      5.   All sidewalks on the south side of Depot Street, (so called) rom the intersection of Main Street east to the west line of the right of way of the Wisconsin Central Railway, to be five feet (5') wide, composed of sound two inch (2") plank, laid crosswise on three (3) two inch by six inch (2" x 6") bearers, securely nailed with 20-penny wire spike, not less than six (6) spikes to each plank; that portion of said walk east of the east line of lands owned by J.C. James, Sr., east of the west line of the right of way of the Wisconsin Central Railway to be constructed on posts securely driven in the ground, of a height sufficient to raise the surface level of said walk to a level with the center of the highway and form an easy incline to the level of the Wisconsin Central tracks in front of the Antioch depot of said Wisconsin Central Railway.
      6.   All sidewalks other than those mentioned in subsections A2, A3, A4 and A5 of this section to be four feet (4') wide, composed of sound undressed inch boards or two inch (2") plank, laid crosswise on three (3) two inch by four inch (2" x 4") bearers, securely nailed with 10-penny wire nails, if of boards, and if of plank with 20-penny wire spike, not less than six (6) nails or spikes to each board or plank. (1976 Code § 95.015)
   B.   Materials: All material used in the construction of sidewalks under the provisions of this section, where plank or boards form the surface of the walk, to be sound undressed pine or hemlock not less than eight inches (8") nor more than twelve inches (12") wide, the outer and inner ends of said walks to be laid in a straight line, the surface of said walks to be made uniformly level, or uniformly a level incline, by blocking where needed under the bearers. The outer bearer under said walks to be laid not more than two inches (2") from the end of the board or plank and the other bearer or bearers so laid to equally divide the space between the two (2) outer bearers. All plank or boards forming walks under the provisions of this section to be laid not more than one-fourth inch (1/4") apart. (1976 Code § 95.016)
   C.   Cost Of Construction: The cost of construction and maintenance of the several walks under the provisions of this section shall be borne by the several property owners along all the streets and alleys within the corporate limits of the village unless otherwise provided for by special direction of the village board, according to the frontage that each of the several property owners may own or control along the several streets or alleys within the corporate limits of the village. (1976 Code § 95.017)
   D.   Persons Required To Remove Snow And Ice:
      1.   The owner, occupant, lessee or other person otherwise legally in possession and/or control of any lot or parcel in the village shall remove and clear away, or cause to be removed or cleared away, all snow and ice on the public sidewalk fronting or abutting any such lot or parcel in a manner consistent with the provisions of this subsection D.
      2.   Snow and ice shall be removed within twenty four (24) hours after the cessation of two inches (2") or more of snow, sleet, or freezing rains; provided, however, in the event snow or ice on a sidewalk has become so hard that it cannot reasonably be removed without damaging the sidewalk, the responsible person shall within the twenty four (24) hour time period cause a reasonable amount of sand, salt or other abrasive material to be placed upon the entire sidewalk in order to make pedestrian travel thereon reasonably safe; and as soon thereafter as weather permits, said person or entity shall cause the removal of snow and ice as provided herein. After initial removal, the responsible person shall maintain the sidewalk in a reasonably clear condition.
      3.   When snow, ice or freezing rain is required to be removed, it shall be removed from the full width of the sidewalk, or an area at least seventy two inches (72") wide, whichever is less in width, along the entire length of the public sidewalk which is upon, fronts or abuts the property. For owners of property most closely abutting sidewalk ramps, owners shall clear the ramps in the same fashion as the sidewalk.
      4.   A violation of this subsection D is not intended to provide evidence of negligence in any claim for personal injury, death, property damage or destruction grounded in the premises liability of the owner, occupant, lessee or other person otherwise legally in possession and/or control of any lot or parcel in the village. (Ord. 08-10-24, 10-20-2008)