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Antioch, CA Code of Ordinances
City of Antioch, California Code of Ordinances
   Any cuts made in exposed concrete sidewalk, curb, gutter, driveway, or paving shall be defined by a saw cut to a depth not less than one sixth the thickness of such concrete, to a maximum of one and one half inches. All cuts in concrete shall be made to the nearest score line unless otherwise permitted by the City Engineer. Cuts in asphalt paving shall be kept as straight and uniform as practicable. The City Engineer may require removal of additional concrete or asphalt when necessary to present a suitable appearance upon restoration.
('66 Code, § 7-2.618) (Ord. 41-C-S, passed 2-7-68) Penalty, see §§ 1-2.01 et seq.
   When the location or position of a pole or other obstruction makes accentuation of its visibility to vehicular traffic necessary, the City Engineer may require that the pole or other obstruction be painted or equipped with reflectors or other aids to visibility prescribed or authorized by the Public Utilities Commission or the Department of Public Works of the state at the expense of the permittee.
('66 Code, § 7-2.619) (Ord. 41-C-S, passed 2-7-68)
   (A)   General.
      (1)   Before a vehicle, or combination of vehicles, or object of weight or dimension or characteristic prohibited by law without a permit is moved on any public right-of-way, a permit to do so shall first be granted by the City Engineer as set forth in specifications established by the City Engineer, or as otherwise required by him.
      (2)   When authorized by a duly issued permit to move a vehicle, or combination of vehicles, or load of dimension or weight in excess of that permitted by law, the permittee shall comply with the general laws regulating traffic over a public street, including, but not limited to, posted signs or notices which limit speed, or direction of travel, or weight which may be placed upon a structure, or the width or height that may be moved thereon or thereover, or which otherwise restrict or control travel on a public street. The permittee shall at all times conform to and abide by the practice and procedure necessary to make safe and convenient the travel of the general public and to keep safe and preserve the public highway over and on which movement is being made, and any violation thereof or of the provisions of this section shall cause a cancellation of the issued permit.
      (3)   Prior to commencing any move for which a permit is granted pursuant to the provisions of this section, the permittee shall give 48 hours written notice to all Police and Fire Department authorities having jurisdiction.
   (B)   Building moving.
      (1)   Before a building may be moved into, from, or through the city, an encroachment permit shall be obtained therefor. Such building moving encroachment permit shall be issued only to a contractor who has been licensed by the state to perform such work and, except in the case of a building passing through the city from one location outside the city to another location outside the city, only after the contractor has complied with one of the following requirements:
         (a)   In the case of a building to be placed in the city, a building permit shall have been issued by the Building Department to perform all necessary alterations or improvements to such building; or
         (b)   In the case of a building to the moved from a location in the city to a location outside the city, the applicant shall have filed evidence that he has obtained the consent or permission of the jurisdiction into which the building is to be moved.
      (2)   The City Engineer may place such other conditions on a building moving encroachment permit and require the filing of such bonds and evidence of insurance as he may deem necessary, subject to the conditions and based on the schedules, if any, adopted by resolution of the Council.
   (C)   Control of work.
      (1)   The moving of any vehicle, building, or object within, into, from, or through the city shall be done in a safe, workmanlike manner, subject to the approval of the City Engineer or at the direction of the City Engineer.
      (2)   All routes and times of movement shall be approved in advance by the Chief of Police and the City Engineer.
      (3)   During the period from one-half hour after sunset to one-half hour before sunrise the vehicle, building, or object shall be lighted at 10 foot intervals along each end and side while on any public street or right-of-way.
      (4)   Pneumatic tires shall be the only means by which any vehicle, building, or object may be transported on any public street or right-of-way.
      (5)   No vehicle, building, or object may be on any public street or right-of-way for a period longer than 24 hours without the prior written approval of the Chief of Police and the City Engineer.
      (6)   The Chief of Police may, at his discretion, provide escorts in advance of the movement of vehicles, buildings, or objects while within the city.
      (7)   In the event of an emergency, as may be determined by either the Chief of Police, Fire Chief, or City Engineer, either may require that a vehicle, building, or object be re-routed or removed immediately from any public street or right-of-way, regardless of whether it has reached its final destination or not.
('66 Code, § 7-2.620) (Ord. 41-C-S, passed 2-7-68; Am. Ord. 88-C-S, passed 5-14-69) Penalty, see §§ 1-2.01 et seq.
§ 7-2.621 DRIVEWAYS.
   (A)   Cement aprons. All driveway aprons shall be constructed of portland cement concrete within the road or street right-of-way.
   (B)   Business and industrial driveways. No driveway shall be of greater width than 50% of the actual lot frontage on any one street, nor more than 30 feet, whichever is the lesser. In case of more than one driveway in front of any property, the total width of driveways shall not exceed said 50% of frontage, and there shall be 20 feet, or a multiple thereof, of standard curb, gutters, and sidewalk between such driveways.
   (C)   Residential driveways. Single driveways shall not exceed 14 feet in width, and double driveways shall not exceed 21 feet in width between the tops of ramps at the end of driveways. No more than two driveways shall be permitted on any residential property 100 feet or under in width, and not more than one additional driveway for each 50 feet additional. Space between driveway, shall be 20 feet or multiples thereof.
   (D)   Exceptions.
      (1)   Wider driveways may be permitted upon the approval of the City Engineer and Chief of Police provided the applicant can show the following:
         (a)   That approval will not create a parking problem;
         (b)   That approval will not create a traffic problem; and
         (c)   That the nature of the use of the property is such as to absolutely require a wider driveway.
      (2)   All requests for exceptions shall be in writing.
   (E)   Replacement of curb and sidewalk at abandoned driveways.
      (1)    ABANDONED DRIVEWAY shall mean any driveway for which there appears to be no immediate reasonable use as such, or where the use or condition of the abutting property has been so changed that the driveway is no longer needed.
      (2)   Any such abandoned driveway shall be removed and replaced with a standard curb, gutter, and sidewalk to fit the existing line and grade of the adjacent standard curb, gutter, and sidewalk within 30 days after the driveway has become abandoned.
      (3)   Any driveway abandoned as defined in subdivision (1) of this division and not removed or reconstructed within 30 days after its abandonment shall justify the city in removing the driveway and replacing it with standard curb, gutter, and sidewalk and charging the costs of restoring or replacing such curb, gutter, or sidewalk to the property owner.
('66 Code, § 7-2.621) (Ord. 41-C-S, passed 2-7-68; Am. Ord. 369-C-S, passed 7-27-78) Penalty, see §§ 1-2.01 et seq.
§ 7-2.622 MAILBOXES.
   All mailboxes shall be placed in accordance with the rules and regulations of the United States Post Office Department, but no mailbox shall be placed within the road right-of-way unless a permit to do so shall have been granted by the City Engineer under the provisions of this chapter.
('66 Code, § 7-2.622) (Ord. 41-C-S, passed 2-7-68) Penalty, see §§ 1-2.01 et seq.
   (A)   Planting or erection.
      (1)   No tree, hedge, fence, shrub, or similar structure shall be planted, erected, or maintained in a watercourse or right-of-way without a permit.
      (2)   No tree, hedge, shrub, or other planting whatever, fence, or similar structure shall be maintained across any existing walkway in a sidewalk area or shoulder. The intent of this restriction is to keep free a walkway for pedestrian or other lawful public travel without interference by or with vehicular travel. No encroachment of any nature shall be permitted or maintained which impedes, obstructs, or denies such pedestrian or other lawful travel within the limits of the right-of-way of a public street or which impairs adequate sight distance for safe pedestrian or vehicular traffic.
   (B)   Acceptable trees for street planting. All trees and shrubs planted in any public planting strip or other place on public streets shall conform as to specie, spacing, and location to the Schedule of Acceptable Trees for Street Planting issued by and approved by the City Engineer.
   (C)   Care and removal of trees and shrubs by city. The City Engineer or his duly authorized representative may cause to be trimmed, pruned, or removed any tree, hedge, shrub, plant, or vegetation in any public street, planting strip, or other public space or public easement when not in conformity with the provisions of this chapter or when endangering the use of public facilities.
   (D)   Abuse of trees and shrubs. It shall be a violation of the provisions of this chapter to abuse, destroy, or mutilate any tree, hedge, shrub, or plant in a public planting strip or in any public street, public easement, or public place, or to attach or place any rope or wire (other than one used to support a young or broken tree), sign, poster, handbill, or other thing to or on any tree growing in a public place or planting strip, or to cause, permit, or allow any gaseous, liquid, or solid substance which is harmful to such tree to come in contact with its roots or leaves.
   (E)   Maintenance. The permittee, or the owner of the adjacent property, shall maintain the trees, hedges, shrubs, walls, fences, or similar structures erected for landscaping purposes in a neat and orderly condition at all times. If the encroachment is not maintained as specified in this chapter, the City Engineer may direct the permittee or property owner to remove the encroachment and restore the right-of-way or watercourse to its former condition at the expense of the permittee or property owner.
   (F)   Lawns.
      (1)   Notwithstanding anything contained in this chapter to the contrary, any person may plant and maintain a lawn of any grass, or type not prohibited by other law, within the right-of-way of a public street without a written permit; provided, however, the lawn shall not extend into the traveled way of the public street nor into the drainage ditches, gutters, or other drainage facilities.
      (2)   The general public may not be denied the use of the planted area for pedestrian or other lawful travel. The city may use the planted area for any purpose whatever and may issue a permit to any applicant to go thereon to perform work or otherwise encroach pursuant to the provisions of this chapter. If the lawn is damaged or disturbed in the course of an authorized encroachment, the lawn will be removed and replaced by the permittee unless the permit specifically states otherwise.
('66 Code, § 7-2.623) (Ord. 41-C-S, passed 2-7-68) Penalty, see §§ 1-2.01 et seq.
   No portion of any irrigation system shall extend above the level of the surrounding ground or pavement. No irrigation system shall be installed in such a way as to direct sprays or streams of water onto or over adjacent street, sidewalk, or driveway areas.
('66 Code, § 7-2.624) (Ord. 41-C-S, passed 2-7-68) Penalty, see §§ 1-2.01 et seq.