Subtitle 1. Definitions; General Provisions
11-15-101. Definitions.
11-15-102. Taxicabs not licensed by the County.
11-15-103. Suspension; revocation.
Subtitle 2. Licenses
11-15-201. Change of owner, location, or address; notifications.
11-15-202. Vehicle license and decal.
11-15-203. Operator's license.
11-15-204. Provisional taxicab operator's license.
Subtitle 3. Operation of Taxicabs
11-15-301. Compliance with title.
11-15-302. Rate schedule and fares.
11-15-303. Duties.
11-15-304. Daily records; trip manifest; inspection.
11-15-305. Accident reports.
Subtitle 4. Taxicab Condition and Equipment
11-15-401. Identification of taxicab.
11-15-402. Taximeters.
11-15-403. Other equipment and general condition.
11-15-404. Inspections.