§ 11-15-202. Vehicle license and decal.
   (a)   Requirement. An owner may not allow a taxicab to be operated in the County without a valid vehicle license and decal issued by the County.
   (b)   Qualifications. A vehicle license and decal may be issued to an applicant whose vehicle:
      (1)   is ten or fewer model years old, measured by the period of time from October 1 through the following September 30;
      (2)   is registered with the State of Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration as a Class B (for hire) vehicle;
      (3)   has been inspected by and obtained a certificate of inspection from an inspection station licensed by the State;
      (4)   is insured by a liability insurance policy or is certified as a Class B self-insurer with a valid certificate of self-insurance issued by the State of Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration in compliance with the Transportation Article of the State Code and COMAR, et seq. and, that insures the owner and operator against liability to passengers or members of the general public for property damage or bodily injury arising out of an accident, as follows: the payment of claims for bodily injury or death of at least $50,000 for any one person and at least $100,000 for any two or more persons, in addition to interest and costs, and the payment of claims for property damage of at least $20,000, in addition to interest and costs; and
      (5)   complies with all other provisions of this title.
   (c)   Denial. The Department may deny a vehicle license if an applicant:
      (1)   has had a vehicle license or similar permit or license permanently revoked in another jurisdiction;
      (2)   has had a vehicle license revoked once or suspended twice;
      (3)   has made a false statement under oath of a material question on a form required by the Department;
      (4)   filed an application within the preceding six months that was denied; or
      (5)   has violated provisions of this title or of County, State, or federal law.
   (d)   Application. An applicant for a vehicle license and decal shall file an application with the Department on forms required by the Department and shall sign the application under oath.
   (e)   Fees. The fee for a vehicle license and decal is $100. The fee to transfer a license during the term of the existing license is $25. The fee to issue a duplicate license is $25.
   (f)   Issuance. The Department shall issue a vehicle license and decal to an applicant who has submitted all information required by the application form, paid the required fees, and met the qualifications for obtaining the license.
   (g)   Display. A vehicle license shall be displayed publicly in a conspicuous place in the taxicab for which it was issued and be subject to inspection on demand of the proper representatives of the County or by police authorities of the State, County, or a municipal corporation. A vehicle license decal shall be attached to the exterior of the taxicab as required by the Department.
   (h)   Expiration. A vehicle license and decal expire on October 31 of each year.
   (i)   Renewal. An application for renewal shall be filed on or before October 21 of each year.
   (j)   Late fee. The Department may impose a $2.50 per day late fee for each day after October 31 that an application remains incomplete or the fee is not paid.
(1985 Code, Art. 16, §§ 17-204, 17-205, 17-206, 17-207, 17-208) (Bill No. 56-97, Bill No. 24-00; Bill No. 70-03; Bill No. 50-04; Bill No. 21-12)