Subtitle 1. Definitions; General Provisions
11-14-101. Definitions.
11-14-102. Scope.
11-14-103. Rules and regulations.
11-14-104. Plan review; fees.
Subtitle 2. Licenses
11-14-201. Pool license required.
11-14-202. Pool operator license required.
11-14-203. Term.
11-14-204. Denial, suspension, and revocation.
Subtitle 3. Operation
11-14-301. Scope.
11-14-302. Duties of owners and operators.
11-14-303. Plans and specifications; no hazards.
11-14-304. Personnel; safety equipment.
11-14-305. Condition of pool.
Subtitle 4. Modifications and Previously Approved Pools and Spas
11-14-401. Modifications.