15.28.010 Definitions.
15.28.020 Enforcement of chapter.
15.28.030 Permit required—Conformity to law required.
15.28.040 Application for permit—Inspection fee.
15.28.050 Deposit of fees collected.
15.28.060 Inspection of proposed site—Criteria for issuance of permit.
15.28.070 Revocation or suspension of permit.
15.28.080 Transfer of permit—Expiration of permit.
15.28.090 Permit to be conspicuously posted.
15.28.100 Applicability of chapter.
15.28.110 Maintenance of premises and equipment.
15.28.120 Promulgation of rules by Health Department.
15.28.130 Space requirements—Arrangement of camp cars and/or trailers.
15.28.140 Drainage—Grade.
15.28.150 Water supply.
15.28.160 Removal of wheels or permanently fixing camp car and/or trailer to ground.
15.28.170 Dogs at large prohibited.
15.28.180 Toilet facilities—Exemption.
15.28.190 Garbage and refuse receptacles.
15.28.200 Slop sinks.
15.28.210 Plumbing fixtures—Disposal of waste.
15.28.220 Lighting.
15.28.230 Equipment required by chapter not same as that required by other laws.
15.28.240 Parking camp car or trailer outside camp—When permit required—Terms of permit.