4.08.010 Definitions.
4.08.020 Advertising signs along freeways—Restricted.
4.08.030 Construction of advertising signs and structures—Permit required.
4.08.040 Permit—Application and fee.
4.08.050 Procedure for issuance of permits.
4.08.060 Illuminated signs and structures.
4.08.070 Applicability of chapter.
4.08.080 Nonconforming signs and structures.
4.08.090 Nonconforming signs a nuisance—Abatement—Violations—Penalties.
* Authority to regulate outdoor advertising — See California Government Code § 38774.
Wherever in this chapter the following words are used, they shall have the following meanings or definitions:
FREEWAY means a highway in respect to which the owners of abutting lands have no right to easement or access to or from their abutting lands, or in respect to which such owners have only limited or restricted easement or access, and which is declared to be such in compliance with the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California.
OUTDOOR ADVERTISING DISPLAY means any card, paper, cloth, metal, wooden or other display or device of any kind or character placed for outdoor advertising purposes, on or to the ground or any tree, wall, rock, fence, building, structure or thing.
OUTDOOR ADVERTISING STRUCTURE means a structure of any kind or character erected or maintained for outdoor advertising purposes upon which any outdoor advertising display may be placed.
SIGN means either an outdoor advertising display or outdoor advertising structure, or both.
PERSON includes a natural person, firm, copartnership, association or corporation. (Ord. 1279 § 2; September 10, 1958.)
No advertising structure, accessory sign, post sign or other advertising sign shall be erected, constructed, located or maintained regardless of the district or zone in which it is located, except as provided in Section 18.44.100 (Freeway-Oriented On-Site Signs), or in Section 4.04.400 (Transit Special Sign District), Section 4.04.401 (Stadium Special Sign District) or Section 4.04.402 (Arena Special Sign District) of this Code:
.010 If such structure is designed to have or has the advertising thereon maintained primarily to be viewed from a main traveled roadway of a freeway; or
.020 If such structure or sign, because of its location, size, nature or type, constitutes, or tends to constitute, a hazard to the safe and efficient operation of vehicles upon a freeway, or create a condition which endangers the safety of persons or property thereon. (Ord. 1279 § 3; September 10, 1958: Ord. 5766 § 1; May 1, 2001: Ord. 6320 § 3; April 7, 2015: Ord. 6543 § 1; October 4, 2022.)
No person shall erect, construct or relocate, or cause or permit to be erected, constructed or relocated, any outdoor advertising structure, accessory sign, post sign or other advertising sign within the City of Anaheim without first securing a written permit from the Building Inspector of said City so to do. (Ord. 1279 § 4 (part); September 10, 1958.)
Any person desiring such permit shall file with the Building Department an application therefor, and at the time of such filing shall pay the fee required by law. (Ord. 1279 § 4 (part); September 10, 1958.)
* Details of application and fee — See Section 4.04.390.
No permit shall be issued to erect, construct or relocate any outdoor advertising structure, sign or display unless the Planning Director or his or her designee shall have first determined as follows:
.010 That such structure or sign is not designed to have the advertising thereon maintained primarily to be viewed from a main traveled freeway, except as provided in Section 18.44.100 "Freeway-Oriented On-Site Signs" and;
.020 That the proposed structure, sign or display will be so constructed that it would not constitute a hazard to the public.
The Planning Director or his or her designee shall thereupon make known his findings to the applicant. In the event that the application is denied for the reasons set forth in this chapter, the applicant may take an appeal of the denial to the City Council by filing, within ten days of the receipt of notice of said denial, a written notice of appeal with the City Clerk. Thereafter the matter shall be considered by the City Council within forty-five (45) days following receipt of the notice of appeal by the City Clerk. The applicant, by written request, may waive the time limits set forth in this Section except the time within which the appeal must be filed. If the Council shall determine that the proposed structure or sign is designed to have the advertising thereon so maintained to be primarily viewed from the main traveled roadway of a freeway, except as provided in Section 18.44.100 "Freeway-Oriented On-Site Signs", or that the structure or sign, because of its location, size, nature or type would constitute, or tend to constitute, a hazard to the safe and efficient operation of vehicles upon the freeway, or would create a condition endangering the safety of persons or property, said Council shall deny said application, otherwise said application shall be granted. (Ord. 1279 § 4 (part); September 10, 1958; Ord. 5766 § 2; May 1, 2001.)
* Additional procedure for issuance of permits — See Section 4.04.390.
Where outdoor signs, structures or displays are illuminated, a separate electrical permit shall be obtained and any additional fees which may be required by law shall be paid for by the applicant. (Ord. 1279 § 4 (part); September 10, 1958.)
The provisions of this chapter, as the same relate to the construction, erection and maintenance of signs along freeways, shall not apply to any structure, sign or display constructed, painted or maintained where the advertising is limited to:
.010 The name of the building whereon the sign is located;
.020 The name of the person, firm or corporation occupying the building and the type of business conducted by such person, firm or corporation;
.030 The name of the product manufactured on the premises;
.040 Signs, structures or displays which are limited to the advertising of the services or goods sold on the premises, but no such advertising structures, signs or displays shall exceed thirty square feet in area and shall have no mechanical or moving parts;
.050 Directional warning or information structures required or authorized by law, or directional signs to areas of major attraction, as approved by the City Council;
.060 Official notices issued by any court or public body or officer. (Ord. 1279 § 4 (part); September 10, 1958.)