.010   Establishment. On September 11, 2018, the City of Anaheim adopted Ordinance No. 6444 establishing the "Arena/Stadium Special Sign District" exempting certain signs located on the premises of an arena or stadium from provisions of the Outdoor Advertising Act ("OAA," Chapter 2 of the California Business and Professions Code, commencing at section 5200) as authorized by Senate Bill No. 31 (2013 Reg. Sess.). Consistent with the provisions of Ordinance No. 6444, this Section 4.04.402 provides for a special sign district known as the "Arena Special Sign District," the designation, location, and boundaries of which are shown on the map of the Arena Special Sign District on file with the Planning and Building Department of the City of Anaheim, which boundaries are hereby approved and to which map reference is hereby made for further particulars.
   .020   Purposes and Findings. In addition to the purposes set forth in Section 18.44.010 of this Code, the following purposes apply to the Arena Special Sign District, which constitute findings that form a basis for these regulations and provide guidance for their application.
   (1)   Well-placed and visible signs and advertising displays for on-site businesses are beneficial to the general quality and economic stability of commercial businesses located in the Arena Special Sign District. Current sign regulations, which are tailored to storefronts typical of the City's commercial districts, do not provide sufficient visibility and design opportunities within the Arena Special Sign District. The City therefore desires to establish an Arena Special Sign District Coordinated Sign Program for the Arena Special Sign District.
   (2)   Well-placed and visible signs and advertising displays that direct attention to a business, commodity, industry or other activity that is sold, offered or conducted elsewhere than on the premises of businesses within the Arena Special Sign District are necessary to help ensure that Arenas (as defined in this Section) remain viable sports and/or entertainment centers. Revenues generated from Arena signs could benefit areas outside of the Arena Special Sign District in addition to supporting the construction, day-to-day operations, long-term maintenance, capital improvements, preservation and enhancement of businesses within the Arena Special Sign District, including facilities management. In addition, Arena signs may be used at times to provide public information.
   (3)   The standards established by these regulations are reasonable standards related to the unique nature of the Arena Special Sign District and the present and future needs of Arenas in the City.
   (4)   The standards established by these regulations are essential requirements, forming a basic framework for future signs within the Arena Special Sign District. They are not intended in any way to mandate any advertising display in the Arena Special Sign District, or to preclude further design refinement or review by the City that might consider more restrictive requirements as to any aspects limited herein, or as to additional aspects such as materials, color, graphics, types of representation, relationship of signs to one another and to architectural features, or to the general quality of design for signs proposed in the Arena Special Sign District.
   (5)   The intent of these regulations is to promote appropriate and economically viable signage that (a) coordinates with architectural elements within the Arena Special Sign District; (b) reflects a vibrant, contemporary image of the Arena Special Sign District as a significant sports and/or entertainment center of the City; (c) limits visual clutter by regulating the number, size, and location of signs; and (d) controls potential traffic hazards and protects public safety.
   .030   Definitions. The definitions contained in this subsection shall be consistent with the terms and conditions of section 5272 of the California Business and Professions Code and Section 18.44.030 of this Code, and shall govern the construction, meaning and application of words and phrases used in this Section 4.04.402.
   "Advertising display" refers to advertising structures and to signs.
   "Advertising structure" means a structure of any kind or character erected, used, or maintained for outdoor advertising purposes, upon which any poster, bill, printing, digital or electronic display, painting or other advertisement of any kind whatsoever may be placed, including statuary, for advertising purposes. "Advertising structure" does not include: (a) official notices issued by any court or public body or officer, (b) notices posted by any public officer in performance of a public duty or by any person in giving any legal notice, and (c) directional, warning or information structures required by or authorized by law or by federal, state or county authority.
   "Arena" means a venue for professional sports on a permanent basis that has a capacity of 15,000 or more seats.
   "Arena Special Sign District" means that area designated by City Council and shown on the map on file with the Planning and Building Department of the City of Anaheim as the same may be amended by City Council from time to time, and that extends no more than 1,000 feet from an Arena structure or any structure physically connected to an Arena structure.
   "Director" means either (i) the City of Anaheim Planning & Building Director or (ii) such other City department head as may be designated by the City Manager from time to time as the person responsible for administering the provisions of this Section 4.04.402 and the Arena Special Sign District Coordinated Sign Program.
   "On-premises advertising display" means any advertising display on the Arena property or within the Arena Special Sign District encompassing the Arena, adjacent to it, or separated only by public or private rights-of-way, and used exclusively for any of the following purposes:
   (1)   To advertise directions to, and the sale, lease, or exchange of real property upon which the advertising display is placed, including the lease of commercial space at buildings within the Arena Special Sign District.
   (2)   To designate the name of the owner or occupant of an Arena or to identify an Arena.
   (3)   To advertise the business conducted, services rendered, or goods produced or sold upon the property on which the advertising display is placed if the display is on the same side of the highway and within 1,000 feet of the point on the property or within 1,000 feet of the entrance to the site at which the business is conducted, services are rendered, or goods are produced or sold.
   (4)   To advertise products, goods, or services sold by persons on the premises of an Arena on a regular basis, or to advertise any products, goods, or services marketed or promoted on the premises of an Arena pursuant to a sponsorship-marketing plan.
   "Sponsorship marketing plan" means an agreement between the property owner, facility owner, facility operator, or occupant of the premises of an Arena and a sponsor pursuant to which the sponsor is allowed to include its logo, slogan, or advertising on advertising displays and that meets both of the following conditions: (1) the sponsorship marketing plan is for a period of not less than one year; and (2) the sponsorship marketing plan grants the sponsor the opportunity to display its logo, slogan, or advertising in the interior of structures on the premises of an Arena, or conduct promotions, public relations, or marketing activities on the premises of an Arena.
   .040   Regulations.
   .0401   The standards and regulations set forth in that certain Arena Special Sign District Coordinated Sign Program approved concurrently herewith and on file with the office of the Director, are hereby adopted for the Arena Special Sign District and are incorporated herein by this reference as though fully set forth in this Section. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in Chapter 18.44 (Signs) of this Code, all signage within the Arena Special Sign District shall comply with all applicable provisions of the Arena Special Sign District Coordinated Sign Program. All construction shall comply with the provisions of the Buildings and Construction Code, as adopted by the City in Title 15. The Arena Special Sign District Coordinated Sign Program identifies the location of specific advertising displays within the Arena Special Sign District that are authorized by this Chapter and by section 5272 of the California Business and Professions Code as amended pursuant to Senate Bill No. 31 (2013-2014 Reg. Sess. § 1.), and establishes regulations for such advertising displays that include all of the following:
   (a)   The number of signs and total signage area allowed;
   (b)   The maximum individual signage area;
   (c)   Minimum sign separation;
   (d)   Illumination restrictions and regulations, including signage refresh rate, scrolling, and brightness; and
   (e)   Illuminated sign hours of operation.
   .0402   All advertising displays shall be located within the boundaries of the Arena Special Sign District and either (i) positioned within 1,000 feet of a qualifying Arena structure or any structure physically connected to an Arena structure and may be separated from the Arena by public or private rights-of-way or (ii) bearing the name or logo of the Arena and visible when approaching offramps from the interstate, primary or state highways that are used to access the Arena. No Arena shall be permitted more than two advertising displays allowed under (ii).
   .0403   No advertising displays shall advertise products, goods, or services related to tobacco, firearms, or sexually explicit material.
   .0404   No advertising display shall cause a reduction in federal aid highway funds as provided in Section 131 of Title 23 of the United States Code.
   .0405   Every sign pertaining to an active business establishment shall be adequately maintained in its appearance. When the activity for which the business sign has been posted has ceased operation for more than 90 days, all signs pertaining to that business activity shall be removed after that time.
   .0406   Except as otherwise permitted by the Arena Special Sign District Coordinated Sign Program; existing sign approvals, or State law or other provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, no sign or other structure or feature shall be placed in any portion of the Arena Special Sign District except such signs, structures and features as are specifically approved by the appropriate public authorities under applicable laws and regulations consistent with this Code and under such conditions as may be imposed by such authorities.
   .0407   The standards and regulations established in the Arena Special Sign District Coordinated Sign Program and by this Section 4.04.402 are deemed minimum requirements.
   .050   Administration.
   .0501   The Director is authorized to administer the provisions of this Section 4.04.402 and the Arena Special Sign District Coordinated Sign Program.
   .0502   Construction of signs within the Arena Special Sign District may commence only after the Director finds that the construction proposal is in substantial compliance with these regulations and all applicable policies and regulations of the Arena Special Sign District Coordinated Sign Program and only after any other acts or activities requiring the exercise of discretion by the City or any department thereof have occurred, including but not limited to approval of an Arena Special Sign District Coordinated Sign Program / Arena Sign Permit and compliance with CEQA.
   .0503   An Arena Special Sign District Coordinated Sign Program / Arena Sign Permit application shall be first reviewed by the Director to determine how the standards of the Arena Special Sign District Coordinated Sign Program have been incorporated into the location and design of the proposed signs and all their elements, and whether these standards have been successfully integrated with the requirements of this Section to create and position signs that are consistent with the purposes of this Section and which represent exceptional quality, enhance community design, and are harmonious with the City's community character. Following the Director's review, the application will be submitted to the City Council for review and approval or disapproval.
   .0504   Prior to approving an Arena Special Sign District Coordinated Sign Program / Arena Sign Permit pursuant to this Section, the City Council shall find that all of the following are true:
   (a)   The proposed signs exhibit design quality and incorporate high quality materials that enhance the overall development and appearance of the site and will not have an adverse impact on the safe and efficient movement of vehicular or pedestrian traffic;
   (b)   The proposed signs are consistent with the goals, policies, and standards of the City's General Plan and any applicable specific plan or any applicable land use regulation; and
   (c)   That the granting of the approvals pursuant to this Section does not constitute a grant of special privileges beyond the scope of the OAA.
   .0505   The Director shall have the primary responsibility for ensuring that all signs remain in conformance with the provisions of this Section 4.04.402, the Arena Special Sign District Coordinated Sign Program, Chapter 18.44 of this Code, and section 5272 of the California Business and Professions Code.
   .0506    Except for those regulations contained in the Arena Special Sign District Coordinated Sign Program and this Section 4.04.402 that are required under and pursuant to section 5272 of the California Business and Professions Code (as the same may be amended from time to time), the Director is authorized to amend or modify from time to time the regulations contained in the Arena Special Sign District Coordinated Sign Program relating to any advertising display that he or she may deem necessary and advisable, subject to consultation with the City Attorney and the written approval of the City Manager, so long as the Director finds and determines that any such amendment or modification does not violate any other provisions of this Code and shall complement the architecture of the Arena, provide a unifying element along the streetscape, and be internally consistent in terms of size, scale and style of signs with the scale of the Arena and the surrounding land uses; provided further that any amendment or modification does not increase the number or height of advertising displays that are regulated by OAA and not subject to exception from the OAA under section 5272, subdivision (a) of the Business and Professions Code ("off-premises advertising display"). The Director shall refer a proposed amendment or modification to the City Council if he or she determines that the general public interest warrants such referral or the proposed amendment/modification would increase the number or height of off-premises advertising displays allowed under the Arena Special Sign District Coordinated Sign Program. In such instances, the City Council shall consider the recommendation of the Director and, by resolution, determine whether to adopt any such proposed amendment or modification to the Arena Special Sign District Coordinated Sign Program. Nothing contained in this paragraph .0506 shall be interpreted to authorize the Director to amend or modify any of the regulations set forth in Subsection .040 of this Section 4.04.400.
   .0507   Except as otherwise required by section 5272 of the California Business and Professions Code, nothing in this subsection .050 is intended to limit the City Council's ability to amend or modify the Arena Special Sign District Coordinated Sign Program or to enact additional rules and regulations governing this Section 4.04.402 or the Arena Special Sign District Coordinated Sign Program.
   .0508   Except for amendments or modifications authorized to be made by the Director in paragraph .0506 of this subsection .050, any amendment or modification to the Arena Special Sign District Coordinated Sign Program shall be considered and approved, if at all, by the City Council by resolution. (Ord. 6540 § 1; October 4, 2022.)